
Reddit is a giant circle jerk, the end.

I argued so much with people back at the launch of Xbox One/PS4 that 500 GB was pathetically small. You always have those people that can’t see it though and think it’s fine.

Yeah, Dinky and Lostmyburner, the hell is their problem? I can tell by their snide comments that they want these Youtubers and Streamers to fail. Like, damn show me on the doll where they touched you.

480p/30fps is my guess.

Funny, their competitors also make fun toys yet they have no trouble keeping up with demand, why is that?

Stop blaming Nintendo for making things people like? The hell are you even on about? I’m blaming them for continually playing their artificial scarcity game, whether it’s controllers or consoles good luck finding any of the stuff you want from them.

I don’t know how they keep getting away with it man, I guess as long as people have their next shot of Mario or Zelda then they’re fine with the abuse. I like their games, but I’m not gonna play their little games to try and score one of their consoles so I can play them.

So they can laugh at your misfortune.

So glad I’m not a Nintendo fan, the way they fuck their fans left right and center. I don’t know how the Ninty fans deal with the abuse. Is it Stockholm Syndrome at this point?

Maybe I’m just easy to please but I didn’t find it awful. I agree it was the worst one in the series but still a solid RTS game. I guess I just have a very different view on what awful is.

DoW 3 is far from awful.

That’s what I’m doing, buying this stuff piecemeal. I’m gonna buy a 4k tv this holiday then get the One X with tax money in March.

Will it top the almighty Genesis? I hope so, but times have changed since then, hopefully it isn’t laden with microtransactions.

I heard Alt+F4 installs the co op mode.

I’m so disappointed because I really want to play the game but I can’t because there;s no good place to play it. On console the framerate is kindas crappy, and on pc it’s got problems as well. They were having a free weekend on Steam for the game a few weeks ago, so I downloaded it to try it out. Well I couldn’t even

The framerate though....

You damn Gaymers!!! Get off muh lawn!!!

Trump apologist? lol, I should have known better than to discuss politics with people on Kotaku. I forgot this is the place where if you disagree with someone you get labeled a Trump supporter or Trump apologist.

I’m still not worried, Trump won’t do it. I guess he’s sort of like Kim in a way, he just likes to talk big. Remember his infamous wall he was gonna put up? Well, we’re still waiting for it to go up. Remember how he said to Hillary that he would get a “special prosecutor” to look into her situation? Well, we’ve yet to