
Which is why they’ll never be top dog.

I disagree. Sure there’s gonna be a few assholes and trolls, there always is, but as a whole I don’t think it will be too bad, and no nearly as bad as a CoD or Halo game. Splatoon attracts a different type of audience than either CoD or Halo. The CoD and Halo scene is more edgy, weed smoking 16 year olds who fuck

Their greed knows no bounds.


It’s like Bioware saying “Guess what guys, Kotor is coming back!!!! our MMO.” Ummm, yeah.

Welp, Summer is looking good so far for games. Crash Bandicoot remasters release date have been leaked, if true, they will come out on June 30th. Plus this :D

It requires the average person to die. Lobos is far above average.

Forza Horizon 3 has grinding? Where?

They were a gossip blog who loved outing peoples sex lives. No, they weren’t “good”.

Which is exactly why you’ll never be president. Sadly.

That’s because Fire Emblem is all about the waifus, who doesn’t wanna see their Waifus inner thigh?

Gawker and all their subordinate sites love it, over dramatic is their middle name.

Hmmm, either the chick in the first picture or the third one is best waifu for me.

Fat Pikachu best Pikachu

Those weak, puny mortals, they’ve yet to develop iron stomachs like us.

Yeah maybe it’s the same for mine, it’s just used to fast food or something. It’s just a common comment you see on the internet . Taco Bell shits, but that’s never been a thing for me.

I must be the only person who doesn’t get the shits from Taco Bell.

Some people just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that maybe some people don’t want to fiddle around with that, no matter how fast or easy it is.

Here’s another secret, include a bigger hard drive from the start, DON’T TELL SONY WHATEVER YOU DO!!!

Yeah the browser for BF 4 was a joke. I’m thinking, you guys couldn’t have just made an in game one? I also use GoG Galaxy and I quite like it. Uplay I agree with.