
I don’t know why people are saying that about Battlefield, it won’t be a problem to wait a little bit, it will still have plenty of players no matter when you get the game. Hell I still have no trouble finding a full game of Battlefield 4. Battlefield always has an active community, especially Battlefield 1, with the

I liked Rise of the Tomb Raider overall, better than the first game, but I still want a fewwww more challenge tombs to do, the ones with the puzzles. Hopefully they add even more with the next game.

Low settings are no fun. I’m not even gonna buy the game until I get a new computer, probably around tax time. My current one could probably run it but I doubt I’d make it past medium settings. I want to be able to max it out so I can enjoy its beauty.

“Hey guys, I’m out of comebacks, let me talk about his grammar instead” - Hoyo Afrika

Yeah, I normally don’t give 2 shits about graphics but sometimes as I’m playing my 3DS i can’t help but think, man they couldn’t have made the resolution a tad higher? I mean the thing costs 200 bucks, I DO expect a little higher fidelity for that money.

Nah, they knew what they were doing by tweeting out an image bathed in the color red. Their marketing team is on point.

Whoa, you are reading way too deep into this. Just because you role play as something doesn’t mean you want to be that in real life. Think cops and robbers, sometimes it’s fun being the cop. Leave your political bullshit out of it.

Oh man, my childhood. I played Lego Island so much. I loved the little jail area where they kept the criminal.

Only if you’re playing co-op do you have the option of playing any one other than JD. Also, as the 2nd player you get to choose between Kait and Del.

Maybe even more annoying. Yeah, definitely more annoying.

Um, No Man’s Sky wasn’t rushed, that game took forever to come out and look how that turned out...

Even if that time winds up being 10 years?

Gonna be sinking ships in Silent Hunter 4, picked it up on Steam the other day. It’s a series I’ve been wanting to try out for a long time, me being a WWII buff and all, plus the Battle of the Atlantic to me is one of the more facsinating aspects of WWII, so being able to raid supply lines and sink ships myself sounds

Go back to Reddit.

Soon, hopefully.

That’s nice and all but what I wanna know is where’s the HD remaster for the current crop of consoles? To hell with a Jade Empire remaster WHERE’S THE KOTOR REMASTER?!?! Almost everyones favorite Star Wars game, hell one of the best games ever created, hasn’t gotten a remaster yet? EA what’s the deal? I know you like