Anyone that would name their son "Tucker" is already of questionable mind. Also, Tucker is an insufferable sycophantic prick, which seems to be a requirement for employment on Fox News airwaves.
Anyone that would name their son "Tucker" is already of questionable mind. Also, Tucker is an insufferable sycophantic prick, which seems to be a requirement for employment on Fox News airwaves.
Not exactly true. The NES Classic Edition has an HDMI out and actually comes with an HDMI cable, so anything with an HDMI in (like most computer monitors) will work fine.
No, no. It was an act! Bill is a performance artist. Didn't you see the video he made an hour after his "vacation" started where he basically said that everything his character says is what he believes, but that was a character? Why is this so hard to follow?
Someone has to keep the Goebbels wheel spinning.
Some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers.
Big Red! (This may actually be better than some of the toys I've bought my son.)
All right. Anyway, the point I was making before Goerbbles made your
hamburger is a man like you could be dating women twenty years younger.
It's a payroll deduction. "Let's see. FICA? Check. State Tax? There it is. Sexual Harrassment Investment Trust? Ok… wait, what?"
As someone that doesn't care for Slayer or Limp Bizkit, I think he should've expanded his library a hair. XTC was still recording at the time, for example. And they are, you know, really good.
For those that didn't know, полька translates almost directly to "Pollock". (The 'a' at the end is a gender designation.)
That's not even close to Greek. It's Russian, but since it's Cyrillic, each character has only one exact sound it makes. None of that "hard" and "soft" vowel or "silent letters" nonsense.
за здравето!
They are implying that a "regular antenna" will not receive an HD signal, which is bullshit. Even in this same post, @The_Guilty_Party:disqus says that he uses vintage bunny ears and gets HD channels just fine.
That's fine. At this price, it should. But any antenna will pick up HD channels. The "HD" part is nonsense. :)
Just to be "that guy". There's no advantage to an HD antenna. It's marketing bullshit.
I think that comment made me prengant.
I'm playing on the Wii U as well. $60 is cheaper than a whole system with an extremely thin software lineup.
In sexual terms, isn't that what is referred to as "the shocker"?
I think she looks like a slightly larger, far less attractive Kelly Clarkson. Minus any semblance of talent in anything, which makes her an official cabinet member, I think.
He said what his audience wanted to hear, but this time a little calmer, but as usual, with no actual plan to follow through on any of it. It was clearly not written by Trump. It was his campaign promises presented in a slightly more dignified way.