And another one bites the dust...
And another one bites the dust...
"If I had to guess, I'd say the PS3 committed suicide after too many viewings of A Knight's Tale on Blu-ray. I shall be more careful of my viewing habits in the future."
Well...was the demo worth downloading? Sure. Was it something completely awe inspiring? Nah...
One word. Epic.
This is awesome news. Although I won't take this as a reason to buy the game (which would be kind of like rewarding one's dog for not jumping in front of a car), it's definitely nice to see BioWare step away from such action. I certainly think that they'll see greater sales figures than they would have otherwise.
It may not be related to video games, but that was one of the funniest things I've read in quite a while. hehe.
Have I ever mentioned that I really, really hate the idea of paying for skins? If someone has to pay $2.50 for something like that, there should at least be a little more to it than aesthetic appearance, which I highly doubt will be the case with Ninja Gaiden II.
Heh...just thinking about a Metroid homebrew which uses the Wii Fit board makes me smile. And giggle.
Also, if she's talking about how nobody has really spent any time trying to render appropriately with the Wii, she obviously hasn't seen the vid at this link. (sorry, I don't know how to embed vids in a Kotaku post yet...)
Is it just me or was she always talking about Crash getting jacked up with the creatures. Ah...that must be why Crash is so freaky nowadays.
Piracy, unfortunately, has been around for a very, very long time. The only even partially justifiable defense I've heard is that it can be used to preview a game which doesn't have a demo. But let's be honest, if somebody is devious enough to take the time to find a hacked game and figure out how to install it, are…
I've always had a soft spot for Zero Punctuation vids (well, except for when there's machinima involved...) and this has got to be one of the best. I especially loved how he ripped on any and all fanboys. It should be a lesson that everyone takes to heart, yet nobody will. (sigh)
It was alright for a game, but a movie?'s somewhat cliche, to be quite honest. Then again, it could be worse. They could be making another Street Fighter movie.
I'm just waiting for the "Will it Blend" when the blender explodes. Maybe "Will it Blend: 40 pack of D Batteries".
In other words, it's proprietary so they can charge whatever they want. The part which costs Microsoft the most is making it customized so only the Xbox 360 can use it. So, really, they've jacked up the price to make the product more inconvenient for the consumer. This is one the things I absolutely hate about…
Nice vid. I recognized most of the songs, although I had trouble with a few. My favorite was the Final Fantasy IX overworld theme, even though it only lasted for about 30 seconds.
Oh, joy. Overall, I like Sony, but SecuRom is a subsidiary of Sony which I despise. And this is an example of why.