The fact that it's p2p/decentralized means there's no "server"- it also makes it virtually impossible for some governmental authority to shut it down.
The fact that it's p2p/decentralized means there's no "server"- it also makes it virtually impossible for some governmental authority to shut it down.
I'm using this method to funnel everything directly through google talk: []
I'm partial to this form of yoga. My neighbors don't seem to like it much though.
I think he's trying to position his car to make it more difficult for the driver to fire at him. He stays to the passenger rear of the car whenever possible.
I like it so far. Man, that's two good things today. One of which will have a direct impact on my life. I'll actually be able to read gawker sites again...
I love how all these guys going 180 mph do so with one hand on the wheel... I guess he at least goes for the "11 and 4" hand position at one point there. Keep both your damn hands on the wheel, and BRIEFLY remove one hand when you have to shift. There's no damn reason at any speed to hug on to the shifter like it's…
The equal length headers make more power because they smooth out the exhaust flow. I know the sound is iconic, but I'd give it up for better spool and top-end power. I'll eventually get an equal length header for my car, one of these days....
Sounds like a subaru with an equal length header. They lose some of the "rumble", but it still has a characteristic boxer sound to it. You can hear the difference between the unequal length and equal length here.
...and? An S4 with upgraded turbos can do high 10-sec 1/4 mi passes. For reference, that's faster than the new Ferrari, faster than the new Mercedes, and still faster than the new Lamborghini. That's definitely good enough for a 3.0 sec 0-60.
These guys aren't cops. They're radar detector / radar gun / radio / scanner nerds. They have all that shit to stay AWAY from cops.
Quite a few phones now are replacing trackballs with a sort of "touchpad". My T-Mobile G2 (HTC Desire Z) has one. Given the small size of the gesture area in the render above (if it's accurate) the only sort of "gestures" it could accomodate are swiping with a single finger in different directions, which is all you…
If this is in any way true, it's a huge concession on the part of Apple. They will have gone from setting trends with mobile devices, to following what other manufacturers are doing. I'm not saying that the changes (larger screen, "gesture" area) are bad things- just that Apple can't own that innovation, and it just…
It's faster 50-70 too. That's a far more important measure for your average car shopper anyway.
Do the math. It's usually 20 cents per gallon more, and with current gas prices... if you find regular gas for $3.80, and premium for $4.00, your cost per mile for a 40mpg/premium car is 10 cents per mile, while your cost for a 35mpg/regular car is 11 cents per mile.
Real world paging Justin Hyde. Justin Hyde please return for your reality check. The new impreza is 0.3s FASTER to 60 than the old one. Snore that.
So it's a 2-liter, puts out 240hp, 260 ft/lbs, and it's the sDrive28i. Where the hell is the 28 coming from?
Counterfeiting is so rife with headphones like these because the margins are so astronomically high. Just about all of the "beats by dre" products are a sham, not worth a quarter of what you pay for them retail. Same goes for any monster products though, I guess...
The second paragraph is the intro to the article, talking about what they're going to revisit in the rest of the article.
Not only do you totally bury the lede, you put it on Facebook too? That is some lame shit.