
Sorry, guys. Marky Mark beat you to the punch a LONG time ago.

yeah. like this has nothing to do with his ego

Yes. Garbage was good. Their first two albums are essential.

I also liked it. Quite a bit. It was a good sci-fi/horror film and a nice take on At The Mountains Of Madness.

The AV Club

Is there any mention of the case with Weevil?

TITANFALL because, holy shit you guys…TITANFALL

Yeah. I doubt they're stupid enough to turn down the job security and all the money HBO's gonna throw them to keep this juggernaut going.

Nah. It'll easily hit ten seasons.

I guess we'll have to wait until his next interview to find out. Since, you know, he's doing those more than he is writing the god-damned books!

Yes. Yes, it is.

holds up giant KEEP NATALIE ZEA OFF MY TV! sign

very light

At least this one looks to have some unintentional humor in it, courtesy of the always hilarious Sincere Marky Mark. It'll be nice to have some humor in these movies for a change.

I've never been happier to not get a reference. (I mean, besides when people talk about Napolean Dynamite.)

They value D'Angelo's opinion much less than AA Dowdy's

Longmire features Starbuck, too! It's also fucking terrible!

Everything I want out of a SHIELD movie is no connection to the awful Agents of SHIELD

Same. AVC's new crew of film guys are really sucking it up these days.

"Paul W.S. is a better filmmaker than his reputation suggests; he’s made at least a few entertaining genre movies, like Event Horizon and the first Resident Evil."