
Saying Rick is the least interesting character on The Walking Dead implies there are any interesting characters on the show. I call that assertion into question.

Can't believe Jeff Daniels won. What's next? Emmys for Low Winter Sun?!

Why doesn't he just use the profits from his other films-

Toy Story

What if "Sean O'Neal" is just a pseudonym of GRRM's and we've all been fueling his desire to comment on the news and make wacky pictures

Huh. Seems like the newswire implies only Cars 2 sucked. Might want to get your brain looked at or something

Quite a roll then, huh?

Toy Story

C'mon, Todd. Isn't the chemistry between Ribisi and Green promising enough to keep you optimistic? #2BrokeGirls

What's with the sarcastic quote marks?

I don't see anything wrong with this. Sounds like a good idea to me. Quit whining, everybody.

Yeah. I feel the same way whenever I find out a story is Jimmy Fallon related.

RIP mini-dome. you will be mini-missed


I love you, Sleepy Hollow

bye bye, Ghost Dad

same. lets get married

lolz what the hell is "hate punk"?

there's no way to be sure