
As ever, there is always a Tweet:

I should make a crypto called ‘scams’. Then people could invest in scams directly, no bullshit!

She’s a billionaireish. At what point does one have a enough fucking money to not do paid shilling for random stuff they know nothing about.

You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.

Murdering minorities in cold blood? Pat on the back, hailed as a hero, cop forever.

They’re a group that views abject obedience, or at least the appearance of doing so, as a virtue.  Like how they do shitty racist asshole things all week and then swear in church on Sunday (if they go) that they’re totally following the example of Christ and so forth.

I don’t think that’s what he meant. What he’s saying is that they’ve already made a statement on the matter, so at this point he feels like further public comments on the matter would just be Xbox virtue signalling “that they’re better” when A) They have their own history, and B) it does nother more to help.

lying is bad

I get where that impression may have come from, but I assure you I was not. I’m exhausted and trying to get my 7 week old to sleep. I’m a PSL organizer in real life and am not really used to having to defend my leftist credentials in comments on a video game blog because I wasn’t as clear or thorough as I could have

Ok, this is the second time that this kind of accusation has been made about Kirkman, and a suspiciously similar one, at that. Something’s clearly up, there. I really hope that the people working for him at Skybound have really carefully read their contracts. 

Did it cheer you up this time you got behind the wheel?

Yeah, isn’t obscuring your license plate illegal? Why weren’t they pulled over by the cops HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry, couldn’t keep a straight face even when I was typing that.

the lies accomplished a somewhat better viewing experience than if he had come out and said definitively yes he was in it and when you would see him come on screen

They drove away in cars with covered numbers? Is that not illegal? Where were the cops? Driving the cars, you say?

They really should have done something about all the gun violence while they were there. These are the guys that scream “BUT WHAT ABOUT CHICAGO” every time some white loser shoots some people, right?

Tepid take: agreed!

Despite all the rumors, I was glad I didn’t “know” definitively that the other SM actors were showing up and so it was as surprising and delightful as possible, given the realities of how things work now.  So, yeah.  Thanks, Andrew, for fighting the good fight.

MOANA is substantially better than anything Pixar has put out in the last decade.

So there’s no website for the program that doesn’t exist? Fucking Biden.