
Ouch!,didn't expect practical logic like that in a Borg chicken naming exorcise.

Does World War Z count even though the original was a book?

With a 50% mortality rate,shouldn't he just put them all in red shirts?

Or the wedding singer.

Not if you know the slick tricks....Don't tell anyone,but all my vacuum tubes are filled with NOS.

Yep.Have lived on both sides of KC for 30 years.Only thing that changes is the plates on the cars. I love the people that break down or get stuck on hills,leave the car blocking the road even on DRY PAVEMENT. Because gravity is not in effect once your touchscreen goes dark,or it's not in the direction you were

Wow,Dad was on to something! edit-stupid kinja,I highlighted Elderberry.

I'm guessing at his age he's at the "God only knows what I could do right now" stage by now.

Oh Hell Yeah!

Damn...She just went from Attractive Young Woman to Absolute Supreme Goddess of the Universe in 1:46. Without beer.

Anyone ever read "Grail" by H.Ellison? I did,at about 18 years old...Now,at 47, I'm still trying to figure out if his story of Christopher Caperton's search for True Love fucked me up for life,or prepared me for the reality of it.

So just shoot her already. A marshmallow gun seems appropriate. If she still won't listen to reason,order 2 cocos and shoot her again.

Opel was into them too. Looks safe enough compared to a rocket glider,I guess.

Nope.Nope.Nope. I will drive actual MECHANICAL cars till the day I die.

"110 shotgun pellets embedded in its body. In addition, it had lost an eye, had a broken wing, and was suffering from acute lead poisoning." And 5 bucks says some wiseass names it "Lucky".

Screw you guys.....I didn't need you watching up all the #8 anyway.

Case hardened Mechs? How exactly do you heat up a giant robot red-hot and roll it around in charcoal dust?

Uhh....Serious Diehard rabid-ass Alien fan here,and (I thought) Resurrection was a blast. Ripleyclone not only looked damn good,for once she wasn't just trying to survive,she was PISSED and ready to cause some mayhem.Try the collecter edition with the original ending. Otherwise 100% correct-#3 sucked,and don't even

Wonderful cos-play prank/opportunity.Imagine the stunned looks when a fully equipped away team shows up at the prison for visiting day!

Exactly.Even a lowly halfbreed outcast would respect his own sword. I thought it even stranger from a Hollywood perspective though.They usually have the backside marketing figured out long before the movie is finished. Maybe in the sequel he figures out "there is no spoon" and it is suddenly the finest craftsmanship