Sarah W

See we are always taught evolution wrong, its not survival of the best, its survival of the most likely to reproduce. So even if you are a gibbering retard incapable of an ounce of fucking intelligence, as long as your sperm can find an ovum and your children don’t get eaten by you accidentally confusing them for a

Why are the people most determined to reproduce always the last people who should be reproducing?

“Why do you have the #28 in roman numerals on your shoulder?”

“It’s how many men I’ve killed.”

Better question: What and where did the Hemsworth brothers get tattoed? Interested party here.

I like this, I like it a lot. Whenever people ask me what I’ll do if I eventually regret my tattoo I say, “Look, I have all kinds of marks on my body that I didn’t ask for and I don’t like. I have scars, I have stretch marks, funny freckles, weird bumps, whatever. Those are all permanent too. I CHOOSE my tattoo, and I

okay but like lets circle back to the main story here which is why in the fuck would you get h20 tattooed on yourself

I think it’s highly likely that GSAW is actually an early draft manuscript that evolved into TKAM, or that it was material that she wrote, disguarded, then mined for the character that grew into TKAM. I really don’t think it was ever meant to be published, and sadly I think it will irrevocably alter the way Lee is

My MIL (89) has SEVERE dementia — like in a specialized memory care facility with locked elevators, she hasn’t recognized me in almost year, we were thrilled when she recognized her sister, bad. Yet she can, on a good day, seem like her old self for a few minutes. I wouldn’t watch the video, because even if, as

It’s the stroke that just sets me on edge. They are notorious for changing a person's very personality. Her wishes and intent for decades goes against this sudden and odd choice.

It's the detail about her sister that gets me too.

Her publishing it prior to suffering a stroke and having post-CVA dementia instead of adamantly refusing for anyone to look at it up until that point.

Honestly, not much. Lee is almost 90 years old and notoriously reclusive. She didn’t push to publish anything—anything—after To Kill a Mockingbird. It would take something like letters written years ago that express her intentions to publish this new book to convince me. Something from before 2007, when Lee had a

I have had the most enormous crush on her since Heavenly Creatures.

I have been looking at the reviews and reading the articles, and I have decided that I will not purchase this book. This is hard for me because I typically purchase ALL THE BOOKS. But this is some complete bullshit that I cannot deal with. Poor Harper Lee. Her sister was the only soul who cared for her, and now she is

Also, let’s be clear.

The only thing cooking has over takeout for me is that I’m more likely to cook a healthy meal than I am to chose a healthy option from the whole constellation of takeout options.

i’ve never been able to have to use so little sunscreen it expires. i always use it all before that could possibly happen. and still i would burn. Until I bought expensive high end sunscreen. Shisheido changed my life. I swear I don’t work for them but seriously best sunscreen EVER.

Your comment needs more stars. The very day I found out sunblock can expire, I got horribly burned from sunscreen that had (surprise!) expired. First time in my life I sunburnt the backs of my hands.

“It isn’t sexism to question Leroux’s megawatt eyelashes anymore than it is to question LeBron’s ever-changing hairline and thickness”

I think you missed the point here.