Sarah W

I *might* have dreamed it, but I swear that I once read an article about Evangeline Lilly where she talked about actually praying to god to not be pretty.

“Just rolled out of bed and still get hit on all the time, so annoying.”

One of my feats in adulthood has been learning how to take compliments and how to assert that I’m good at stuff. I’m guessing it can come off as bragging sometimes, but I’d rather take that than fake humility. I think women (and some men, I guess, at least in my neck of the woods) are conditioned to think little of

“Wandering around” makes it sound like these two were out on the streets, weren’t they staying in a hotel? And the hotel clerk who “found” them is, well, the clerk there? This story is still weird, but this version makes it sounds a lot more nefarious.

one thing you can say for Hardy, he didn't go for subtlety when it came to naming his characters....Gabriel Oak, Boldwood, Troy (Guess which is the hero, which is the annoying rich guy and which is the soldier....)I swear if I had triplet girls I'd name them Bathsheba, Jezebel, and Delilah. Life would never be dull

Yes. Welcome. We wear comfortable clothes that look good on our changing/aging bodies, listen to whatever the hell music we want (I was singing both One Direction and the Stray Cats this morning), and shake our heads ruefully at Kids These Days.

If you have to ask...

I never understand why people where tall boats when it's 90 degrees out. I am not a fan of gladiator sandals, but they must be cooler than where hot as fuck boots.

I had two thoughts reading this.

There is SO MUCH see-through. What is even happening? Is this style? Am I officially an Old now?

This is all a put on, right? Or some kind of 1994 cosplay?

right? My hubs wears earplugs and can't work a hammer. I do all the DIY and if any noises happen at night, guess who gets up? MOI. Even if I try to wake him, he's all...he doesn't wake up. Nice try buddy. We ain't having kinds. I see how that's gonna ago! Haha.

....said pretty much every (American, at least) man I've known.

I've had a few friends who worked while their husbands stayed home. And in every case, the women still did the majority of the cooking/cleaning/childcare. Because the man is considered to be doing such a great and extraordinary thing by giving up his career, he's off the hook for everything else—he watches the kids

This rings true to me. I probably won't even have children and yet for like, the past 15 years I have weighed the pros and cons of motherhood. I have everything figured out, except the part about whether or not I want it.

Even in a progressive, liberal, feminist household like ours, there was still that idea that the woman will stay home and the guy will keep working

At one point, she asked if he would consider quitting his job to be a stay-at-home father given how much he wanted a baby. "That just wasn't the plan he had in mind," she said.

go with god, starbucks employees. RIP

"I'll have a venti black medium roast, please.

White people...I love them to death, I'm even married to one, but, bless them.