Sarah W

It's too bad he had to write the stories and couldn't have just left the stories (women) behind the shoes a mystery. That would have been interesting and wouldn't have just sounded like some dude whining about his relationships.

I should probably add that as a taller woman (5'9") from a family of tall people, both men and women, I do tend to prefer men who are taller than me. It isn't that I consciously discriminate against men who are shorter than me, I just don't tend to be attracted to them. I've never done online dating, but I will

Though a totally scientific process I have determined that 5'9"-5'10" is the most common height lie told by short men. Scientific in that I'm 5'9" and men who are shorter than me always tell me they are 5'9" or 10" and then insist that I must actually be taller than I am when I call them on it.

Yeah, I agree. I'm really hoping that the movie can improve upon the book. I feel like the second movie did that with the second book, so I'm hoping they can keep it up. Cause my god the 2nd and 3rd books were stinkers.

Wow, I've been seeing this around for the last few days, but only just watched it. Wow it's bad.

So I get the idea behind this and all, but I kind of find it insulting that people seem to think that young girls who grew up with Disney grow up to become clueless women just waiting to be rescued or married to a prince. I mean COME ON! I was born in the early 80s and was raised on a diet of Disney Princess, My

My childhood finds this very disturbing.

This is just bizarre. I mean it's beautiful and all, but the dialogue feels super awkward and forced, and I don't think that is just the fault of the actors.

Okay don't get me wrong, I totally think this sounds like fun.. That said, sometimes I get the impression that people today think that Jane Austen was all about romance and finding your Mr. Darcy when really she was writing scathing social satire, which is what actually makes her stuff so brilliant, NOT the romance.

That's exactly what I was thinking! If she just did nothing and then shrugged it off when anyone asked her about as if it wasn't worth her time, people would be like "oh there must not be anything to it." But the ways she's acting all I can think is "what kind of awesome dirt do they have on her?!"

"sallow" I don't think that means what you think it means. Sallow: (of a person's face or complexion) of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown color.

As an atheist, there are a lot of non-sexy non-romantic reasons especially if you choose to have kids like healthcare coverage, legal rights, taxes etc. But also I think that I can understand the desire to stand up in front of your friends and family and make a public commitment to your partner. I can also understand

I lived in the UK for a while and whenever I flew back and forth US to UK I would always take Virgin if I could. the flights were comfortable (and I was always flying the cheap seats), the flight attendants were always super nice, and they always had great amenities.

Yeah, see and that's totally awesome.

Yes, thank you. It is never okay.

Oh god no, as mltomate said I'm just pointing out how damaging that kind of talk can be no matter what weight a person is.

Yikes, and agreed on the needing to back off thing. The thing is there is so much parents can do to ensure healthy kids without EVER mentioning their weight. Enroll them in sports (if they're into that), healthy food (but with an emphasis health rather than on looks), and just modeling a healthy lifestyle as parents.

hahahha, there is a striking similarity.

Oh god that's awful. Weight is the last thing kids should be worrying about at that age, or any age really.

Childhood obesity is a problem, but if someone is writing notes like this perhaps they shouldn't be passing out candy at all, or she could give out apples or some other kind of healthy snack instead of shaming a kid who is probably already self-conscious about their weight.

My aunt constantly makes underhanded