
Huh, for some reason I thought it was New York City he moved to. I saw this movie like a thousand times as a kid but haven't watched it in probably 30 years at least. I grew up in the Bay Area, so all big cities east of Denver to me were automatically "eh, probably NYC". Sorry Chicago, I know you hate that!

I'm not old enough to remember Lemonheads being any other way than they are now, but I remember the hilariously racist Cherry Clan packaging. Also, the Grapeheads variant used to be called "Alexander the Grape".

Timely, I’m going to be in Chicago for a few days during the first week of May. I think deep-dish pizza is an abomination, but I look forward to the hotdogs. (Also, I’m a Lemonhead and Cherryhead addict, and I didn’t even know Ferrara Pan was a Chicago company.)

I actually really liked the Gail/Todd parts and thought only the A-plot thudded. (And just felt like 100% filler designed to delay the reveal of whoever is under that Yoda mask.) Todd patiently telling Melissa that he gets why Santa’s penis is inherently funny but can she please focus should be Mel Rodriguez’s Emmy

Wow, Blade and Face/Off were only a year apart? Seems like a bigger gap when I think back, for some reason. I think I moved out of my parents' house during that year, which maybe explains it.

I know, I get all that, and I understand why people keep trying to make a movie out of it, tacky and exploitative and cruel to her family though that is. But when you know it's actual footage and not some clip from a re-made Japanese horror film, it just becomes obvious IMO what is actually happening.

My brother swears he’s seen a Wheel of Fortune where someone guessed “Clam_igger” was “Clam(n-word)”. But my brother likes to make up dumb shit like that, and I’m afraid to Google it.

I don't get why people find that footage so freaky. It's obvious she's interacting with someone in the hallway (and either drunk, high, or experiencing a manic episode; Lam was bipolar). But the door didn't close! Newsflash: sometimes elevators in cheap hotels aren't in tip-top working order.

There's a Six Flags in New Orleans that hasn't been open since Katrina, and the sign out front still says "closed for hurricane". Six Flags is not exactly on the ball.

I don't want to be melodramatic and say Rihanna is ruining the last season, because everything else is working. But she's, umm, not very good?

I'm guessing that by this point, whenever Joan is jerked out of sleep by loud discordant noises, she just assumes it's Sherlock being an ass again, and not actual gunshots (or whatever).

Ha, thanks, yeah that was it. Woof. And the trailer looks like some SyFy-level terribleness. What was the pitch for this movie, let's combine 2012 with The Day After Tomorrow and end up with a movie worse than either one of them?

Go to a hospital, get a PDR, identify the pill, raid ERs and pharmacies for a supply. Although I guess prescription meds probably have some kind of shelf life?

I have. It was not fantastic.

Overexposure and a "quantity = quality" mindset. Same thing that happened to McConaughey a while back, but he's actually a really good actor so we eventually got the McConaissance. I mean Butler's not embarrassingly bad or anything, but I've never been super impressed by him in anything.

I wonder how much Preparation H they had to slap on her eyebags to make her that photogenic? Or did those only happen after she fully committed to lying and chicanery and making the world her daughters will grow up in a nightmare for women in exchange for a paycheck??

My parents had one of those metal straw thingies lying around the house when I was a kid. I have no idea why, as we are not South American and no one in our family had ever heard of yerba mate. It was probably a gift from someone who had traveled there. Naturally, I tried to smoke weed with it when I was a teenager.

The title was also a Nazi reference, "the garden of beasts" was what the last American ambassador to the Third Reich called Berlin. (Also the title of the excellent Erik Larsen book about same.)

Buffy Week led me to a re-watch of Angel, which I consider the better show overall, although I was a fan of both. Hulu has the entire series commercial-free. I’m still wading through the first season, which of course was not great, but I’m a completist. I was quite tickled last night to realize that the Angelus sire

I join others in protesting the lack of The Final Sacrifice—I have been known to leave meetings that drag on too long muttering “seven years later” under my breath—but there were so many good episodes that narrowing them down to 5 is necessarily going to be overlooking some gems. I also have a fondness for The