
His character in Tune in Tomorrow was from New Orleans, which is an accent that almost every single movie gets wrong, as it really doesn't sound southern. It sounds like a lot more like New York than it does the stereotypical syrupy sweet cornpone drawl that most actors affect for a New Orleans accent. Reeves didn't

There's at least one screamingly obvious thing that she gets wrong in every review. At this point I'm just hate-reading her reviews to see which thing it is this week.

On the other hand, it’s kind of refreshing that at least one member of the Trump family is admitting that this whole “presidency” thing is a grift intended to allow them to wallow in kickbacks and sleazy branding deals for the next 4 years, or however long it takes for Trump to get impeached.

They didn't even do that, though. They just mentioned that other publications making the allegations exist.

I like both Marmite and Vegemite, with Vegemite being slightly in the lead. You can get both at World Market. But I enjoy them very, VERY sparingly, a tissue-thin scraping over buttered toast, then with strips of whatever cheese is in the fridge laid atop and popped under a broiler for a minute. (It’s called “Tiger

Mmmkay, we'll have to agree to disagree here, because I got what she was going for and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people did as well. And conservatives do not and never will own anything written by Woody Guthrie.

Except Lady Gaga is a liberal progressive, so singing those songs at this moment in time—also singing "Born This Way", when VP Pence, a man with a deeply pathological need to cause pain to gay people, was in attendance—sends a very different message than the one you seem to have gotten.

Not enough secret Illuminati hand gestures. Alex Jones was disappointed.

So you're telling me that there was flim-flammery in the frivolous entertainment section of the sporting event where everybody pretends the players aren't on massive amounts of steroids/growth hormones/what-have-you and giving each other permanent traumatic brain injuries? Oh, and where one of the players is widely

That was actually tear gas, not a smoke bomb, which is several levels more vengeful. I don't disapprove, because fuck that guy, there's no way he didn't know Abby's friend was in high school.

Good point, I didn't read the linked report. It's weird to think of someone who seemingly had such a successful life (and in her own right, not just as "wife of famous comedian") taking illegal painkillers, but I freely admit that's me being naive.

I thought Fentanyl was only given to people who were dying, on account of how it's basically super-morphine and cripplingly addictive?

I guess I'm old, nowadays every actor under 25 looks to me like they should be playing elves or hobbits and they all have names that sound like tertiary characters from Harry Potter. Get off my lawn!

Depeche Mode are British though, so… maybe they're talking about Teresa May or Guinness or "football" or some other limey thing?

I go on lots of road trips and have a list of snacks that are easily procurable at gas stations and that I only consume while on the road. My favorites are beef jerky, nut and chocolate trail mix (the nuts have to be salted), and those milk-and-cereal bars. I also like to be on the lookout for weird regional sodas; my

George Soros. The mainstream media. The Iluminati. Take your pick.

Alex Jones was saying the Quebec City mosque shooting was a false flag less than 48 hours after it happened, so there's your answer.

The Jehovah's Witnesses have an even worse track record of predicting the Apocalypse, they did it 5 or 6 times. After the last date came and went, they decided to label it as "imminent". Which was in the early '90s, so… I don't think that word means what they think it means.

I don't get the constant griping about "secrets" in these reviews. We found out why everyone wants Nootka Sound in the 3rd episode? I mean sure there's some incidental mysteries, like what exactly James was up to during the years he was AWOL from the EIC (slave-trading?), but it's just window dressing and the main

Dancer in the Dark was the most depressing movie I have ever seen, by miles, and I've never wanted to see another Lars von Trier movie since.