I mean the other two points seem plausible, and being told “You obviously don’t know where you went to high school” wouldn’t even be the rudest/weirdest/stupidest reply I’ve gotten at The AV Club.
I mean the other two points seem plausible, and being told “You obviously don’t know where you went to high school” wouldn’t even be the rudest/weirdest/stupidest reply I’ve gotten at The AV Club.
I don't watch Comedy Bang Bang, so you can understand my confusion.
Oh okay, then I guess my whole life was a lie. He went to community college in Cupertino, genius.
Oh, and he operated the alien tentacles in Independence Day that choked whatisname, the guy that played Data.
He snuck onto the set of T2 when they were filming it in our hometown. Or filming a scene, anyway (the building that blows up at the end).
He went to American High School in Fremont, CA. He was two grades ahead of me.
I only watched the first one and never bothered with any of the sequels. I’m not too good for trash, but Underworld wasn’t even fun trash, it was just a bunch of snooty white people with fangs bickering with each other, and the look (floor-length leather trench coats with a lot of buckles, etc.) was already dated.…
You're not far off, here's a list of the titles in that series: https://www.goodreads.com/s… The most recent one is called "Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire".
A good friend of mine works in a library and regularly sends me photos of terrible book covers, mostly of YA genre series that seem to be endless and are knockoffs of already-terrible series like Twilight. There’s a series called Love at Stake that looks howlingly bad (and not on-purpose bad like Sandra Hill's books)…
No one ate their coconut cake! That kind of thing in movies and TV drives me batty. (Also, how windows never have screens on them.) Aasif Mandvi is always a delight—I wanted him to take over The Daily Show, so you could say I'm a superfan—and Patrick Warburton is killing it.
I was vaguely aware of him as someone who wrote niche gay erotic ebooks (that for some reason often had Channing Tatum on the cover), but yeah, it was the whole Hugo awards debacle that really made me learn more. Specifically when it transpired that the pieces of shit throwing tanties over women of color winning…
It got a very short release, I think literally just one day in New York City, to qualify it for an Oscar. So technically yes, it is a really long film.
This book is never going to be finished, and I don’t care because while Martin is great at world-building his prose is nothing special. I’d rather watch the show and I’ll know how the story ends when the show does.
I have no idea why you're bothering to say it, but okay?
Yeah, it's not really worth it. I mean it's not terrible, but they really didn't explore the concept or the wider social ramifications of The Purge like Anarchy and Election Year did. And Frank Grillo isn't in the first one, either.
I'm pretty sure "kale" is actually just that plastic grass that separates rows of deli sushi, and "quinoa" is some kind of styrofoam.
I'm not saying they need to keep trying X type of food? Just that I hate it when picky eaters make demonstrably untrue statements like "All cheese is terrible". I mean, look at the comments here! Maybe they all have Asperger's or some other kind of sensory disorder, but I'm pretty sure a lot of it's just childish…
Which is why it's such a dumb thing for (alleged) adults to say. If you haven't tried at least a large sampling of fruits, or vegetables, or whatever, don't go around ranting about how you hate them ALL. You haven't tried them all!
I'm not including people with autism or even necessarily PEAs, who sound like they have some kind of disorder as well.