
I forgot about that commercial! Though I still say Great googly-moogly a lot, and that's probably where it came from. Go Chiefs!

Restaurant Week starts Friday in Kansas City. I would love to try some new places, but I'm not sure it's in the schedule/budget right now.

I am SO thrilled to have Happy Endings on Hulu!

Fuuuuck lack of sleep. My three year old has turned into a maniac that runs the halls screaming, laughing and spitting at bedtime. No discipline seems to work at all. We spent two hours the other night ignoring her and carrying her back to her room. And then the baby woke 4 times wanting to eat that night.

I laughed out loud at Robert Downey, Sr. I haven't watched the episode, but that was definitely the highlight of that clip for me.

Mark needs a little cream cheese on that DiGiorno!

We use that word daily, although since my childhood, it's morphed in to zurbur. Is there another word for that action?

I like a lighter, humorous audiobook. I tried to listen to All the Light We Cannot See and that was a mistake. I couldn't follow along at all.

Any thoughts on audiobook vs. hard copy? I can download the audio from my library right now, but would have to wait to get the actual book.

Didn't the end credits have a pop-up or something asking about where the carrot was during the bathtub scene? That's all I remember about that movie.

All I remember about horror-movie Jack Frost was some suspect business with a carrot in the bathtub.

I agree. I watched the whole thing while having some lab work done this morning. As it got to the last episode, I especially felt that everything was rushed.

And if you forget you ate something with that much red dye, it can lead to a momentarily scary bathroom situation.

Or your kid's cheapo graham cracker stash dipped in a can of Duncan Hines…still pretty damn good.

It was a good quick read, that gave some good insights into that world. Not the over-dramatized version that plays out on the show. A lot of the show characters are mash-ups of several people Piper has met, and a lot of people are totally different, like her family and Alex/Nora. I would recommend it.

I noticed Piper using the terminology in the Bed Bugs episode. And Piper in the book uses it as well, since it's just how the sections were broken up and referred to by all the inmates.

I had my first Hannibal fueled nightmare this weekend, involving face-peeling/ingesting. Some shows are not meant to be binge-watched.

Just catching up on the show for Thursday's 3rd Season premiere. This is from Janice's blog: I have to limit the recipes I publish because of my agreement with Titan and NBC who are publishing my Hannibal cookbook in fall of 2016.

Wild speculation time: What if Lowell is in cahoots with Blaine. He was very interested in the methodology of Ravi's experiment. He could have tampered with the rats (security system is down), to make Liv & Ravi think that they have found the correct mix for zombification, but really leaving them to spin their