
And an alternate definition is “having no practical significance, typically because the subject is too uncertain to allow a decision” — so unless you’re being willfully obtuse, you’re incorrect.

While that may be true, there is something more than a little “The Scarlet Letter” about doxing private citizens. Maybe in your world people who cheat are automatically “assholes”, but I try to be a little more understanding, and a little less invasive of their privacy.

I’m very upset you made me watch that “Pepper Boy” sketch.

Hi Lucy — I agree they’ll turn a profit, but not much. And even though the film had a relatively low budget, people had high expectations — and so “Paper Towns” is something of a bomb. Not a huge bomb. But certainly not a “hit” like the article said. So in that regard the premise of this article is wrong.

Third hit in a row?

Yes, it’s a metaphor, but it’s a bad one, a mis-leading one, for all the reasons I just stated in my last post.

Just to clarify, the post explicitly states that one side of the pendulum is success, the other failure. A pendulum by definition spends equal time on both sides.

No, a pendulum suggests a sense of balance, even fairness, which doesn’t exist. By definition a pendulum swings both directions equally. It goes a certain distance to the left, and then an equal distance to the right. That is not how success and failure work.

Better yet, use your friend’s pool, fake an injury, sue your friend, and use the money to buy your own pool. Lifehacker, I am available to write a longer post explaining this if need be.

Cute mental trick, but fallacious logic. There’s no evidence that failure and success are dished out in equal proportions in life, or that failure triggers success, or that they are timed out in any way. Believing in this theory is no different than any other religious belief or magical thinking.

File this under: absolutely terrible ideas.

Will I be banished forever if I say that Michael Douglas couldn’t be more right?

Clearly I am the Impatient Idiot type, because I can. not. get. this. fucking. thing. to load!

Actually you’re the one missing the point completely. In the case of Hunt, “the point” is that he was probably making a bad joke, and that it turns out he was an excellent mentor to many women.

Could you post a video? (realize that’s a lot to ask)

Top 5 favorite novels of all time:

Really — you couldn’t actually come up with 10 novels and had to settle for a TV show that’s “novelistic”? That’s kind of pathetic.

The problem is they’ve given Zack Snyder the keys to the kingdom and he’s just not a strong enough film-maker. He’s just plain bad with character.

Does it have to be with your significant other?

To clarify: I was all onboard for outing Pascal for her racist remarks, etc, because I felt it served a social purpose. And I love back-room movie negotiations as much as the next person.