
I feel sad for Camille.

And in some cultures people leave infants outside in the snow while they drink coffee inside. Parents don’t need to be touching their kids every minute.

I just saw a piece on a documentary about a child, ten years old, who was expected to find her way to get water miles in the desert on her own because it was her job. Similarly, five year olds who lived in the rainforest who hunted spiders all day to feed their families. And somehow, we’re arresting people for being a

Also, it’s not even a concern. Who pays attention to chromosomes? No one knows what theirs even are, unless there’s a reason to do a workup. I don’t know if I have XX or what and I frankly don’t care.

As if your credibility needed any help into the crapper—No one uses the term “hermaphrodite” any more. It’s referred to as an intersex condition. The misuse of terminology might be acceptable if you were actually reasonably well-versed on the rest of the theory, but you’re not. At all. You’ve clearly not read any of

Yes. Yes you can. I know lots of trans women who are very much women who have no desire for GCS. They’re fine with being women who happen to have penises. Others prefer to have the procedure done, but can’t afford it, still others go on and get it done. It’s literally not a binary issue. It’s like all other aspects of

You are not your biology. Your biology might be part of you, but that doesn’t make it all. I have a friend who uses a wheelchair and is effectively quadriplegic. Is that all of her? No, it certainly is not. She likes to act, sing, and she dances, and tells silly jokes. She loves her dog and Wizard of Oz, and hot pink,

To hell with them, Kate. Their problems amount to someone asking them to occasionally refer to themselves as “cis women.” Seriously, if that is your go to complaint when talking about this issue (how on earth do they turn it around to be about them?), then they can sit down and shut up. I can’t abide bullies, and

Hear! Hear!!

As someone who’s worked with actors since I was a kid (in costume/hair/makeup), everyone has to cut his/her hair at some point. He probably cuts it a little shorter when hiatus starts and then lets it grow until it gets back to “show length.”

I read the article. It was entertaining. However, I’m not about to get upset about such a silly little non issue as this. And I couldn’t help but eyeroll at the original post. Why bother getting upset about such a thing? This isn’t a situation where anyone’s getting hurt, no matter which way it goes. So you maybe

Can’t speak for you, but I care about a great many things. The veracity of backstories of celebrities is not one of them, however.

I have no idea how old Beyonce is, nor do I care any more than I care how old this woman is. Neither of them are in my life. Hell, I don’t know or care how old some of my friends are. And some of my friends don’t go by the name they’re born with either. Many of those I don’t know what their names were at birth and

Don’t care. Bullshit which doesn’t affect you doesn’t affect you. Who cares?

I don’t personally care at all. It has no bearing on my life or really on anyone’s life that I know. I can’t say if it impacts you, but unless you’re her bestie, etc, I can’t see why you’d care either.

What possible difference could it ever make in your life, my life, or the lives of literally anyone else?

I know him. His name is actually George too. And yeah, people do stare whenever he goes anywhere.

Yeah, still not funny.

Here's the thing, Charlie-Doing something to be "humorous" which is pretty much used across the board in a "serious" way is a stupid idea on the internet. We can't see tone and we're very used to men doing precisely what you're doing and meaning it in a shitty way. And honestly, you sound even shittier when you keep

ALSO: Why would the cop agree to this?