Also where was this supposed money for nerds writing essays when I was in college?
Also where was this supposed money for nerds writing essays when I was in college?
Yep, this is perfect timing as I just got upset earlier today about how the scale has been static since basically 2 weeks post-baby. Whenever I find myself being critical of my post-baby body I try to tell myself that that I need to curb those thoughts because I would never want my little baby girl to have similar…
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Not difficult, just unnecessary.
Me too. If I was constantly soaping my legs, the skin would peel off from irritation. I brush my teeth in the shower too. While I pee.
I don’t wash my legs or my feet and I pee in the shower. IDGAF!
Uhhhhh. Only psychopath clean freaks legit soap and wash their legs. This has been known since Seinfeld taught Kramer how to shower.
Counterpoint: Al Franken!
It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.
My hatred of Matt Walsh knows no bounds. I grew up in a religiously conservative community and people like him piss me off. Fuck the patriarchal evangelical conservatism that passes for his brand of Christianity.
It’s all the horcruxes she’s making...
i used to live across the street from genevieve.
I remember watching a random anime podcast and the guy off the cuff blames Obama. Found out they were in Florida.
Correct. But Gawker and millennial-media would leave you to believe everyone 30 and under is a city dwelling liberal.
Anecdotally speaking, this sounds accurate. As a white (relatively older) millennial, my “people’s” political leanings are almost completely dictated by geography. My city dwelling and college friends are overwhelmingly liberal.
I still can’t grasp why men think that easy and cheap access to birth control for women isn’t something that affects them. It is literally the reason men get to have more sex without getting married, or have sex without being tied to child support payments for 18 years. Why isn’t every man jumping up and down to have…
I notice that Neil Gorsuch has two children. Only two, which means either he and his wife ceased intimate relations after the birth of the second child, or they used some form of birth control.
Which is fucking amazing since they ALSO think that a pregnant employee is a drain on company resources and a huge liability. So which is it, you fucks?
cordial conversations is going to be the name of my new podcast all about fancy drinks.
Those praying the gay away camps never made any sense to me for a bevy of reasons, if a parent is afraid their child will be gay, why would you send them to a camp with other hot gay kids? Doesn’t make any sense.