
What is a conservative friend ? I’m not sure I know/have those.

I SO agree. I love beyonce’s music, but her, idk. Like why you gotta photo shop? Why do you condone your beehive harassing everyone? Love her work though!

THE THONG BIN! “why do you insist on butt flossing” “MOM STOP”

Also in school...thinking maybe this really busy semester it is not a good idea to start it then lol

I think this is in response to BLM blocking off highways and traffic to the airport. I hope it will only serve to encourage protesters to protest in areas that do not dramatically interfere with society. I’m all for protesting, and BLM, but I kinda wish I would have made that expensive flight I scheduled.

I’M SO EXCITED FOR THE GAME THIS WEEKEND!!! they better win because I make nothing in graduate school but wanted to treat my husband to something nice :)

Holy hell. I feel like most women don’t realize they are pregnant till after 6 weeks.

Seriously this is the last thing I would wear to exercise. Is this what the society considers athleisure? I thought that stuff was at least supposed to somewhat agreeable and comfortable?

I feel like it is panic inducing for all involved. People staring and judging me in a tight white dress. I couldn’t go through that more than once. Idk I hate being center of attention.

I feel like MN fosters humility.

While I paid for my procedure myself when I was there (a month before he died) thank you so much for donating!

just came here to say Franken rocks!

Wouldn’t it be more painful for him to rot in prison? I feel like death is the easy way out. Whatever his punishment, he surely deserves it.

OMG thank you for the detailed response! You aren’t wrong, all my friends have them! My husband prescribes them and my doctor for sure thought it was weird I didn’t want one. The only thing I balk at is that you have to go in to get it out, like the pill I can just stop taking it when I want no problem. idk I also

Why do you like your IUD so much? I’m on the pill and have no problem taking a pill every day. I also wouldn’t be mad if I got pregnant. That being said, I probably will try for kids in 3 years so I’m thinking just stay on the pill. My doctor highly recommended an IUD and didn’t really go into why.... is it just

A girl died on Facebook live and no one said a thing.

Ya’ll my husband is a doctor and he’s screwed up the holes. I think they just mindlessly shove it anywhere and hope it makes it into something.

I think they are revisiting it in hopes that some one comes forward with new information.

Emma Stoned