Why don’t you like fun?
Why don’t you like fun?
Pish pish. It’s exactly as deep as a mainstream commercial show can get away with. There’s a reason profound French arthouse films get $300 in box office receipts. HBO can’t just stream a Baudrillard lecture, even if they slather it in tits and blood.
Agreed. And appreciate the non-violent communication tools others are suggesting. BUT. I have a master’s degree in Organizational Psychology, which means I took an actual fuckton of classes/practicums on critical conversations, effective communication, etc. I’ve practiced these theories at oh, every dinner I’ve ever…
Seriously. It’s so prominent throughout the entire campaign and all his supporters - if you don’t agree with us just shut up! You can be gay but don’t shove it down our throats! Liberals should stop complaining! Stop giving a viewpoint that I don’t share because it’s whiny and unamerican! Let’s take away fundamental…
After hearing that all the liberals were living in an echo chamber, I thought ok, I won’t defriend some of the people I know supporting Trump. Then I continued to read the asinine bullshit that some of them posted complete with gaslighting and I was like nope.
and I mentioned the same thing! It bothers me until no end, and I just realized why, for the following reasons:
Sadly no. She had on a white robe.
Are you trying to throw a hex on it?! Shut up and don’t speak again until 2016 is over.
She might’ve just worn that for getting ready? (I hope?)
I mean, did she buy the bus? She had to have, right? What rental bus company lets you write on the side of it? Regardless, I hate anyone who uses hashtags on anything but social media.
She got something against the Counting Crows? #mrjonesandme
Come sit by me, friend.
Cute wedding hashtags: the latest in a long line of things I scorn for no reason.
Yeah, I call my browser “What Fresh Hell?” now.
It doesn’t matter whether the accusations are baseless or not. The lawsuits aren’t designed to be won, they’re designed to bankrupt the victim while they defend themselves against something frivolous.
What message does it send to other autistic if the mere suggestion that someone could be autistic is so shameful one have to take it to court?
I wish I could star this comment a million times. FUCK EVERYTHING indeed.