Starbuck's Mom

To say that Bob wouldn’t be with anyone less than attractive may be correct most of the time, however, I happen to feel his one true love may be Mavis Staples...not conventionally attractive, but she’s hot to Bob. And she’s hot to me.

Thanks for this. I’m a huge Bob Dylan fan (see my username). He’s by far my favorite musician. And I’ve grappled with the aspects of his life, personality, and work that can be confusing or unpleasant, like his attitude toward women (I can’t even type that without thinking of the reporter in Don’t Look Back who asks

Whaaaaat. I’m enjoying the standards phase. :)

My relationship with Dylan began as a young child. My dad would play bootlegged cassette tapes of all the early albums. I’d ask him to play “All I Really Wanna Do” because to me it sounded like the circus.

Now playing

I love Dylan and his raggedy voice. Got lost in his music in my early twenties and I don’t regret it.

I love his music, but I’ve been to two Dylan concerts, one in the late 90s and one for the Modern Times tour. The first concert was awful, unbearable. He couldn’t sing. He’d be playing a song and I wouldn’t know what it was and then catch a lyric and realize that he’d made a new tune for an old song, only his singing

I saw him for the first time a couple of years ago. He sounded like a crumpled up ball of tinfoil. Yet I just spent almost $300 to go see him again on this tour. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It will always blow my mind forever and ever that Blonde on Blonde and Blood on the Tracks are about the same woman. Like, imagine the relationship shit that happened between those BoB and BotT's release that catalyzed that. Blood on the Tracks is the meanest, best kiss-off album ever.

Brock is a terrible name. Brak on the other hand...

Does this mean I won’t have to spend 10 minutes in the soap aisle trying to find one of the two handsoaps that aren’t anti-bacterial now?! This is brilliant news! Down with the bacteria hysteria and up with good old fashioned soap and just actually washing your hands.

Groove *IS* in the heart.

Hello from another Jennifer whose mother has never been wrong either!

Eggs, chopped thin; Polish mustard; mayo; celery, chopped very thin; paprika; salt; extra horseradish if I have it.

Today I went to the store and got chips and guacamole for breakfast.

Try celery. The crunch is really good. If you are a sweet and savory person, apples or pineapple. I like a touch of mustard sometimes.

I’m drinking bourbon and hugging my dog. And now I want nuggets.

I like, really really don't want PCOS.

I’ve been on Reddit since gawker’s demise and was searching for a down vote button

But don’t forget, the guac is extra.