Starbuck's Mom

I tend to agree, but after watching C-Span for 2 straight days, it was refreshing to see a congressperson do their job.

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I would like Jezebel to post a video of Marco Rubio laying into Rex Tillerson about Russia and Vladimir Putin being a war criminal. Here it is. It’s excellent:

I can’t wait for our incoming president to Tweet:
America so happy crybaby first lady leaving White House. Sad! No room for crying in Greater America.

My first ultrasound image looked like a delicious gummy bear. I then proceeded to crave gummy bears for my entire pregnancy. Coincidence? I think not.

Congratulations on winning the 2017 internet already.

Well, I’ll be.

The first 3 years were like a waking dream. Mine are 16 months apart and both slept for shit for at least a year. By the time the oldest started sleeping through the night, I was way pregnant and couldn’t sleep because of that shit.

Having kids too close together rules, doesn’t it?! 🙄🙄

My daughter’s 6th birthday party is tomorrow. She and my 7.5 year old have only ever lived in a country where an honest, intelligent, peaceful, diplomatic, measured man of color was our president. I genuinely spend way more time than I should about how much of a failure we as a society are for our youth right now. But

It’s ok. It just read as a bit condescending, but I get it. We’re In the shit now.

Now would be a super time for George HW Bush to utilize some of his intelligence juju to fuck some shit up.

Not sure where I indicated any sense of surprise.

Honestly? I don’t even think they care. Pro-America rah rah flag waving, gun toting behavior doesn’t go much further past...just that. There’s no deeper thought process behind it. It is just pure, unbridled nationalistic hysteria. Facts and reason have no place.

When the news popped up a few days ago that he was being considered, I thought it was a joke, or at least part of a misinformation campaign from the transition team, intended to make the process more like a reality show.

Not gonna lie, my Breville toaster oven is pretty fucking rad.

I tried to actively hate Twenty One Pilots, and I can’t. I even made an exerted effort to say “I hate them” every time they were on the radio. But my kids think their songs are fun, and now I know them all.

That’s where he’s been.

I’m a wordsmith in my other life.

It was pretty hard core.