Starbuck's Mom

I got pregnant with my second right before I went to my sister’s bachelorette weekend. I of course had no idea I was pregnant at the time. If that weekend didn’t affect her, nothing would have.

I actually felt the scene tied quite well into the episode, which was about being trapped in a body that you are not comfortable in.

I cannot even put into words how full of rage I would be if this were done to my children.

My kids did too. I also hate the term baby led weaning. No, you’re just feeding your kid. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO HAVE A NAME.

This article is absolutely insane:

Excellent question, but it doesn’t fit the narrative that the Bengals are made of nothing but delinquent bullies.

KC fans are actually quite nice. I’m rooting for them in the playoffs this year. Green Bay isn’t a bad option - they’re good people and they don’t seem to have the same superiority complex as some of the long time winning teams (ahem Steelers).

Well, now you can go pick any team you want to root for! Always wanted to know what a winner is like? Follow the Patriots or Steelers! Want the same life of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? Become a Bengals fan!

I really do get it. I’m a fan, but haven’t lived in the city since I was a baby, so my connection to the team in that way isn’t strong. I think it’s why my dad can adjust - he’s been out of SD for almost 40 years, so there’s a bit of geographical disconnect. I polled myself and tried to think of a team I could root

Not only transplants, but the huge military population means a constantly shifting opposing fanbase.

I'm sure the factors are many. It's unpleasant all around.

Hey, I despise the ownership, too. But I drove my ass two hours plus each way for every home game for years, and watched the number of opposing fans increase every season.

I knew someone was going to call me on it when I wrote it, but I substituted style for fact. Never again!

The point was that the Chargers have been the local game in La since I've lived here, which has been 13 years. So the original argument is worthless. As a Chargers fan, I can only seem to remember the tragic losses to KC recently.

I’d be down for rooting for a Tokyo based team. I bet they’d come with an adorable anime program. Maybe a cereal.

That would be cruel and unusual punishment to both the Chargers and their west coast of the United States fans.

Spanos refuses to answer if he wants to work to stay in San Diego, so the answer is probably “No”

What I am uncertain of, however, is how this season could possibly work in San Diego. If the public vote on the stadium doesn’t pass in June, the Chargers will move 100% to Los Angeles. But I don’t know if that’s enough time to prepare for not one but two teams to move here. But San Diego is not going to support the

Being in LA is going to increase the worth of the team significantly. Just by virtue of being in one of the two largest markets in the country.

To be fair, we’ve been watching the Chiefs curb-stomp the Chargers on TV for at least 13 years.