Starbuck's Mom

I feel so bad for Kim Kardashian and I loathe everything Kardashenner. Pregnancy is so awful for some people. I hated it. And I had gestational diabetes which is basically a giant screw you to a pregnant lady craving a god damn donut.

My babies looked adorable in black. Still do. But not turtlenecks, because that's ridiculous.

Of course Zooey Deschanel is putting an infant in a turtleneck in Los Angeles. Where it’s been above 77 degrees for about 18 straight weeks.

Tragic. A gimlet is a perfect drink.

I was never involved in Greek life while in college. It did not appeal to me at all - everything I read about them lately makes that decision seem more and more brilliant.

I cannot even look at pictures of him without wanting to vomit.

My kids spent the first year of their lives basically wearing nothing but onesies. Baby pants are awful unless they have snaps.

I have come to the conclusion that Fox and Friends is some sort of previously unknown sign of the Apocalypse.

This is beyond disgusting. Shameful.

I have two daughters, and they’re way more likely to be put in time out for kicking each other than any sort of sass. I kind of appreciate some sass from them. Not, you know, a lot. But some.

Me too. I’m not overly into fashion but I am a huge magpie for shiny jewels. 👑

I once spent almost an entire day reading the archives there. I'm not proud.


I read the Order of Sartorial Splendor daily. They do excellent royal wedding guest run downs.

I saw that after looking closer, and I have no clue. Some poor damaged steel cutter apparently wanted to make things difficult.

As far as I know, there are no stones in it at all.

Cut Steel! Amazing.

I LOVE THIS TIARA. Lots of people hate it, but I think it is gorgeous. And I don’t even like gold.

Yes, please

Look at this monster.