
I love modern medicine :)

What multi-millionaire woman does not have a stylist?

Gee... last time I checked, the powers that be consist of old, wrinkled, fat bald white men who pander to oil companies like hers... what the hell is her problem?

Adoption is not for everyone. As someone who's been on both sides of the process, i can tell you it's not all rainbows and unicorns for many, many different reasons. As well, for some women, the strong desire to be pregnant is just as paramount to the entire child-rearing experience and i say if they have the

Considering you can 'have marijuana in your system' a month after you smoke it, I agree it should have been a non-issue and I was irritated that it was even brought up as if it should matter.

Ahhhh... thanks for the LOL. The only one in this otherwise torturous and miserable Monday. ;P

Seems legit.

Then there should be a morality clause in the players' contracts if there isn't already. They are supposed to be role models to millions of young pro hopefuls... and this is the kind of shit we see them doing? Michael fucking VICK? Anyone? I've about had it with this nonsense out of these damn fools.

Idk why I even wanted to see the vid clip.. I guess I was just curious even though I knew it would be nauseating. Hubby and I watched it and we both actually jumped a little when that hit landed... he was like "Holy FUCK".

i respectfully disagree... My eggplant purple PT cruiser is most definitely a chick car. My husband refuses to drive it or even sit in it hahaha

Omgggggggg. Whoever created that poster needs to be drawn and quartered. I have never laid my eyes on such twisted, convoluted logic. Actually, thats an insult to logic.

All I know for sure is that I would lose my damn mind if something happened to either of my children at the hands of a drunk driver... I am certain that in that devastated frame of mind, I would probably try to seek revenge somehow.

As someone who tends to interact with people located in my general vicinity and within reasonable driving distance... I'm sorry to report that the town I live in is ALL white... meaning, if you saw a black person walking down Main St, most people would be rather surprised. Unfortunately my area is sharply

Did anyone ever see 'The Cell'? (twisted beyond fuck, btw, and puts the SAW films to shame)

Jesus. Humans are sick fucks.

this place is beautiful... How absolutely tragic when there are millions of people on earth who dont have a home :(

Exactly... we were forced to check ANYTHING 20 and up, even if it was obvious, and we were all on camera. And yeah, the sheer amount of people who think you're calling their moral compasses into question while checking is hilarious. "Oh, I can GUARANTEE that's real, I just came from the bank!"

Not only that.. but at my old retail job, if you accepted a $20 or up without using the counterfeit marker and took it, and then it turned out to be fake, it was on your ass to replace it. Which I think is bullshit.. but alas.

That has NEVER been the point of contention with this whole shitstorm. I reallllly wish people would stop saying this!!!!

...except that birth control is indicated for a hell of a lot more medical issues than simply preventing pregnancy .. The condom argument does not work here.