
Thats easy, my old R6.

You know DAMN WELL that TSA agent thought they were about to uncover a dead cat in that luggage. The sigh of relief must have been immense.

Why not ask that? I live in a state where weed is legal, but we drug test.

Where is:

To be fair, when i drink tequila, im already completely trashed, usually taking shots from plastic cups.

26 moving violations over 36 months, is less than 1/month in a city with a million cameras. Thats not even bad. Remember, most of these are probably parking issues.

Cyclists being assholes? who would have thought. 

“mY cOrVeTtE iS bEsT cOrVeTtE”

What even the hell is this comment...?

Its almost as if Harley Davidson burned every piece of goodwill it had with the younger (targeted) community when it sold off Buell for no good reason.

Considering the legacy companies that are workign with these startups... you may be surprised.

So this is a loaded question. I have like 4 cars, ranging from a TDI beetle, to a Z06, to a Toyota Sequoia, all which have their purpose.

New York has been a hell hole for what... ever?

As a car guy that drives a big cam Z06... uh... i dont care? This car could sound like a box of rocks being thrown at children, and i dont care. I care about driving.

How about LOWERING the tax for one god damn time. The private sector is expected to do more with less every year. How about making the goverment stretch a dollar for once.

Simply put, its the STI wing. There is no more iconic wing in existence IMO. Its so popular people toss them on everything.

im genuinely not sure what youre saying here, however:

well i mean they can, but it wont really fix the issue and it would take years to implement.

Im going on vacation to CA tomorrow... what the absolute fuck is this horrid state.

EV’s only in a state that majority woodlands? do people forget that upstate exists? This is horrible