
Remember, you can only be canceled, if you agree to be canceled 

It was literally the biggest race event in F1 history.

I mean.... but why?

My co-worker actually has one. After a month of back and forth with his dealer, he took delivery like a week ago.

I was here.... and yanno... total let down...

Verstappen is likable BECAUSE he keeps his mouth shut, and only talks when its important.

Ahh well i found out why youre in the grays.

As a tall dude myself, shit sucks man.

I dont remember how i started following Jamie Chadwick, it was a while ago now... but shes definitely my pick. Fantastic driver.

Dr. Perez always looks SUPER awkward in photos. My one F1 friend and I are always sending eachother his latest photo ops.

If i were this dude, i would have walked over to the Jeep dealership, bought a Wrangler, drove to the closest wrap shop, gotten a nice wrap to indicate my displeasure, then drove back to the Ford dealership, walk inside, take a dump in/on their bathroom, dont flush, walk out, and tell them since i didnt sign an

Nah, screw that.

Forever car? Idk some Tow pig vehicle i dont care about probably.

If you live in New England, go to any even Miller Motorcars goes to, they always have a couple.

yeah how is a site this big, this broken?

This is a weird question... because i dont think id pay to go to a car “museum”.

So i work at a company st up similar to John Deere, and youre forgetting a few key points here.

They said no to 5-6%???

So how does this compare to FIM?

Blue Origin is the (current) Mitsubishi of space flight. It works? i guess? but will never live up to its potential, and no one really gives a shit.