Ahh, yes, i prefer killing animals so their flesh can rot on store shelves while the workers are paid less than a living wage, and are so full of preservatives that you an see that it aint natural.
Ahh, yes, i prefer killing animals so their flesh can rot on store shelves while the workers are paid less than a living wage, and are so full of preservatives that you an see that it aint natural.
So i assume you own a 2009-now Dodge Ram eh?
Yeah thats 100% a real one too. Good find, but IMO, still a Ram with some fancy stickers thatll rot in 30 seconds up here in MA.
Dude ill lawyer up if my cousins third removed ferret is murdered and a cop wants to talk to me.
IMO, do one or the other, or both, not neither.
“started in 1948 as a reasonably humble affair (tickets were $50)“
This bike is god awful ugly from forks forward... I can only assume the designers name was Turanga Leela
Considering Tesla has a far better rating from employees than GMO, ill take that as a win for them
Well apparently you dont know shit about performance cars.
Hey look! Another Tesla hate post!
I find it interesting you’re only mentioning retail stores and their reimbursements. Companies like Raytheon Technologies, who employ 180,000 (versus like 16,000 for Papa Johns, or 65,000 for Chipotle) offer 100% reimbursement for any degree they deem relates to any business function.
56 miles is.... yeah not fine... that sucks
You want to compare the Plaid to other cars? Okay what about price?
Im going to be honest, if the cars all still sound like vacuum cleaners with stuck rotators, im all set here.
I live literally a mile from the out skirts of Hartford. Even here it would be 100% impossible to live without a car.
Dude... seriously?
unironically, youre an idiot.
“any sort of regulation” you say?
I mean, id do it.
Well this look absolutely awful.