
They've already started charging me $5 a month for my "free" checking account. It's sad because I've been with them for over a decade, but I'm not going to put up with getting ripped off by them.

Last night I was making a breakfast casserole, and my friend I'm living with was getting the sausage ready for me. She asked me if I wanted a spoon or spatula and I said "Whatever won't melt" (since I destroyed one of hers soon after moving in).

@TheFormerJuneBronson: I think I have a bit of both of those, which would explain a lot. It's just reassuring to have other people say I'm not alone in this!

@andnowlights: I totally understand that! A lot of my love/hate with my previous retail jobs revolves around my co-workers. And I think you deserve a small bout of unemployment! (Especially if you are okay with it.)

@andnowlights: Hooray for escaping! This is my third retail job, fourth Christmas. Not what I wanted, but work is work unfortunately. I hear you on not being able to go out though, I've started buying all of my presents online or making them just to stay away from the madness!

Does anyone else have a difficult time trying to write nice things about themselves? I just wrote an essay for a contest to win a trip, and it was SO HARD. It wasn't even that long, only about 300 words. (And cover letters? They can take me entire days to write.)

To everyone who does NOT do this: I want to hug you all.

@tehvalerie: Ugh, that sucks. Is there any way you can report it and get that credit back? I'm becoming more and more grateful my Twitter is the only one they managed to actually get into.

@XerxesLolzords: So far I've gotten attempts on my Gmail and Facebook, I couldn't log into Twitter and I've got an email from LinkedIn too.

I'm reading this and trying to be thoughtful about it and so on...but all I can focus on is how many preservatives he must have in his body now.

@Hannapdx: I'm incredibly sad as well. I hope desperately that this won't affect gay marriage in Iowa. (I'm also very, very annoyed that Steve King got re-elected. By a lot.)

@Dangling Modifier: It's good to hear about other people doing similar things and making friends. I'm hoping the fact that I've done a lot of solo traveling will help me. Right now my biggest impediment is being unemployed. jobs are definitely a good way to make friends.

I moved halfway across the country a month and a half ago, and I needed to make friends, like last month. I'm retreating into hermitude.

@maurasaurus: That is a fabulous costume! And definitely a sexier version than a refrigerator box with paint on it!

If I dress up for Halloween this year, I plan on being the TARDIS. That's only sexy if you're a nerd, right?