SaprereAvde Why Are You Dressed Like It's Halloweeen?

I always thought Ragnar is actually the least interesting character, and the reason Vikings won’t be mythologized in the TV pantheon the way Rome, Carnivale, even Xena is... it’s a problem of casting someone who looks the part but then has very little presence or chemistry with the other characters. Except that Rollo

Nicely played reference, especially since we’re talking California, but it’s Trader Vic’s.

Thank you.

You know that is the best way I’ve ever heard this idea put. Exactly. As a labor issue, women working in pawn shops, abattoirs, car repos – whatever professions might be reviled by some – deserve to work in environments safe from assault, harassment, etc. Just generally safe and adequately compensated. But they do not

I see an owl in your I know you already? :)

Yes, it is, but prepare to be eviscerated on Jezebel for daring to speak this obvious truth. Also prepare to have the insult “TERF” laid upon you, thereby making you an object, and OK to attack in obscene and ad hominem verbiage. You CANNOT tell these women that we realised like 40 years ago that all porn is bad for

Really did not understand that aspect of the plot or casting decisions...the Kevin Kidd character was so less interesting than Niobe, her sister, even the daughters...the grim fate of many of the fascinating women characters on that show certainly made a point, but in terms of the narrative, if it had just been about

I realize that Jezebel is having a problem with both facts and judgment today, in light of the GoT post in particular, but this post has almost a Tracy Moore-level of inability to restate the findings of the report in question, which are very basic: Passive sedentary non-activity that is not something fully immersive,

Varma is truly poorly served by every single role, from Rome to Luther to GoT. I would watch a program with just Varma.

...and use of the word “cripple” in the same heedless breathless passage. I really wonder if meth isn’t a problem at GM in addition to all the other problems.

Today’s a good day for some nice millennial ageism, amirite?

Is the third wave ever going to be over? Ever?

Right? I wish I could develop some type of filter from ever having to see photos of feet; even better also feet irl.

I’m right there with you on NPR. The sponsorship agreement with Archer Daniel Midlands was never fully acknowledged. Continuing to blithely air TMA after the Mike Daisey incident and the David Frum guest spots with not critical disclaimer...just no. Prairie Home Companion with that creepy, sexually-harrassing dude.

I like truth in personal branding as much as the next person but...

But indeed there are already the Virgos among us taking pearl-clutching exception to my comments, i.e. it is “easy” to rehome and abandoned dog and so on...

While you are technically correct (best kind of correct, amirite?), it is not difficult to rehome a pet if you get in over your head.

Um, actually, it is far far far from ideal to treat puppies and/or other living creatures as disposable consumer objects...


OK. Why don’t you get of Jezebel, go to the library, and check out the most rudimentary book about zoology. I don’t know if you realize it, but the “gender is a construct” idiocy, the logical conclusion to the rotten, selfish, woman-hating postmodernists such as Judith Butler, have imperiled all of feminism. The fact