SaprereAvde Why Are You Dressed Like It's Halloweeen?

What? Battle Royale? No. No way. There are a million “X number enter/ 1 leaves” motifs in films; you could even extrapolate and say that this is the trope of the Saw franchise. Have you seen Battle Royale? It looks nothing, and is not calibrated at a pitch, like The Hunger Games. The frenetic tone and pace is what

33 is middle-aged? LöL. Maybe in the Middle Ages, when people didn’t have a long life expectancy...

We don’t actually even know that that is his mug shot since Shrayber as usual is too lazy to even write a cutline.

I agree with most of what you are saying, and thank you for taking this brave position of mercy and erring on the side of justice on behalf of the accused (whom I notice the blogger cannot be bothered to identify in that way).

I understand what you are saying, but as an intermittent reader, there is no reason to expect I am hanging on to this blogger’s every bon mot. Also, as you point out, this joke isn’t funny, anymore, or, likely, ever.

It’s Teigen. I do not understand the paradox of why, when there is daily coverage of this person down to the granular level of “food tweets,” it is simultaneously impossible to spell her name correctly by the reblogging team.

Or maybe an ageist.

we have no idea how people are reacting in Hungary...

Please. Get a dictionary, use spellcheck, a proofreader, whatever. Since it’s one of the only adverbs Jezebel uses, for the love of Pan, it’s clichéd.

Um, we actually mostly can understand English over here, we just don’t want to. And we particularly don’t want to be told what we can and cannot understand by someone who consistently and boisterously advocates for [the sanitised term] “sex workers,” because you don’t have any credibility, here or anywhere.

I thought the same thing. Also, I hate to say it, but the kreative name spelling, and its frequent repetition, was very distracting.

Well you’re not that smart if you expect the MRA “please educate me about _____” tactic will work. She’s had a retrospective at at MoMA all summer which has been evaluated by ever major art pub in every language in great detail. Even if you’re behind a paywall from academic pubs (and it sounds like you might be as

Um, she was a well-known conceptual and performance artist and designer long before she met Lennon?

I really have no idea why “The Proposition” has not received the recognition for being the masterpiece it is...especially as conceived by Nick Cave, it really gets at what Australia was and sadly still in many ways is.

I think the Samwell Tarly character may have run its course. The Renly and Talisa characters for example were well-cast and had meaningful activities and backstories but it also served the story well for them to exit when they did.

I just corrected that major error! See above.

And Brienne. I misspelled Brienne, too. Basically, and I guess paradoxically given the criticism over gratuitousness, the women characters (on the HBO series) have experienced more and better character development than the men.

Dormer was a definitive Anne Boleyn (and Jeremy Northam the definitive Thomas More) in the otherwise terrible The Tudors. If GoT suddenly turned into a show about Margaery, Arya, and Danaerys only, I wouldn’t mind.

Dementia. Seriously, in a post about mental acuity...
