SaprereAvde Why Are You Dressed Like It's Halloweeen?

You’re right. I had a momentary flashback to when I worked as an editor and reporter and, you know, we actually cared that the stuff we printed was correct. I need to hang a Post-It on my monitor that says “Forget it, SapereAvde, it’s Jezebel.”

No. Although “charged” is in a past tense construction, this is an active, not transitive verb, so the “bro” part is conveyed as being in the present tense. It is not correct.

You are though. Didn’t you make a vicious insult about someone’s appearance the other day – I believe it was in the gorilla who likes cell phone videos story – and blame it on being a mom?

“Former Indiana University Fraternity Member Charged with Rape/s” or something to that effect. The amount that Gawker Media would pay one copy editor for a year would be less that day’s legal billings, I am quite sure. Further, at most of the news agencies I’ve worked, the copy editors pride themselves on accurate and

A former Delta Tau Delta brother at Indiana University

Thank you for saying that in a nice way. I actually do not want to see people with their hands in each other’s pockets in public, but, I don’t want to see people wearing flip-flops either, so your points of discretion are diplomatic.

The OP said:

What difference does it make?

I’m sorry Megan Mulally, but that image is of Wally Neuzil, Schiele’s longtime lover, not his wife, Edith.

It’s actually “sich fremdschämen” in its use only as a sort of reflexive/transitive very (to feel embarrassed when someone else is actually performing the action). The noun is Fremdschämen, which I think is how it’s being used in this sense. Since you are a fan of the Sprache.

That commenter is usually pretty normal but did certainly seem to be in a rush to make a joke about a double homicide.

I have said for a long time that Jezebel – the entire operation – is a feminist troll site; the Manchurian Candidate of blogs. Sometimes it works in a kind of Situationist/Spectacle way but then something like this post (or Tracy Moore) happens and you can see the wires moving...

He has completely changed the disciplines of geography and contemporary/activist art.

He did attend all of his undergrad and grad school in the American South. It seems likely he was born in Germany to parents on military assignment there, especially given his name. I’ve never met another German named Shannon.

This is actually a function of rape culture but...I’m shocked Lamb was born in Germany.

Actually, as I pointed out to the imbecile above, it is. Most climate change studies originate from geography departments, among other things.

You realize that most climate change studies emanate from geography departments right? And that geographers frequently collaborate with sociology, anthropology, archaeology and history departments on digs and archival research? And that Trevor Paglen, a geographer in the UC system, was the first person to use long

It is true I am irrational in my distaste for Kiwi culture, because I’ve never encountered such xenophobia and blithe ignorance anywhere in the world (not too mention the worst treatment of animals, on a par with China and Southeast Asia, imaginable). The treatment of animals is intrinsic to the treatment of women

Do you not know how to use Kinja, like, at all? I just made a lengthy comment about my experiences in New Zealand, and the other places I’ve lived in comparison to it. And yes I have been to the states, too. I basically hate Angololandia so no Commonwealth country would be my first choice of places to dwell, but I’d

New Zealand is probably the least civilised Anglophone country, though the other Four Eyes are surely giving them a run for the money. Have you ever been to New Zealand? It’s one of the ugliest societies on the planet, a shade away from an ISIS/L state in regards to women – the economy is about to topple so we’ll see