
Horrible advice. There's no obligation to buy from a registry or a specific item from someone's registry, so if they want to register for a flat screen or nice speakers, more power to them. Plus I'd rather get them the flat screen they'd actually use, than the candy dish that their mother & "decorum" made them

Well, at least in my area, the bridal shower is for gifts and the wedding is for checks/cash. So you might still get a decent amount of money to put towards loans.

Wishbone never said that BSDM relationships are abusive. They said that 50 Shades of Grey romanticizes abusive relationships. Which is does. 50 Shades ≠ BSDM.

FSOG is in no way a story of a consensual BDSM relationship. I have been in one. It is in my sexuality to be attracted to them. However, unlike the IDIOT of an "author" of the Twilight fanfiction that is Fifty Shades of Grey, I actually did research upon entering the community and know that a BDSM relationship is all

Don't feel bad. This asshole and "King of Princesses" posted their first comments today. I smell trolls, and they smell bad.

The statistics that you've probably read that indicate women get custody most of the time includes uncontested cases where the parties agree on custody. In cases that are actually litigated, fathers are much more likely to win.

I have no problem with BDSM. I have a problem with controlling, abusive relationships portrayed as "normal." Read what I write instead of what you assume I'm writing.

Actually I think he doesn't love his kids. If he loved them, he wouldn't try to murder and abuse their mother.

You believe in a fuckung myth

Suing for parental rights in this case does not appear to be motivated in any way by concern or love for his children. It seems to me that it is his last-ditch effort to control his ex. He is a monster and will not stop until he has the mother under his thumb again.

Yep. It's why shit like Fathers for Justice really rile me the fuck up. These men have no fucking interest in their kids— they just want to be vindictive to the mothers. Scratch one of the bastards in their Batman suit and you will find a thoroughly nasty, scary, abusive dickhole.

It's why the idea that the courts favor women is fucking laughable. My sister had her kids removed because she was in an abusive relationship. The kids weren't being abused, but she was. This man nearly kills this woman in front of their children, and she has to make contact with him? Jesus wept.

It was a figure of speech, dude. I realize it's more serious than a fucking movie. I'm pissed off at the general idea that abuse is considered not serious - whether it's through the popularity of a movie that glorifies domestic violence, or the fact that a woman is being forced to interact with a man who nearly

He probably will get some type of visitation rights. One of the major reasons I didn't get an order of protection during my divorce is that my ex still gets a right to be a dad. All I could see happen from OFP would be pissing him off to the point of no return and because of our kiddo - he would still have a right to

Another MRA success story.

YES, this. In the end, eating REAL SUGAR is actually the most healthy thing you can do, if you're going to eat sugar.


Kelly requested the "fuckin'" section.

I find it interesting to see how the third book, which is ostensibly better written with apparently more three dimensional characters, is absolutely the dullest, least interesting book in the trilogy. It sort of reminds me of something like Birdemic... a bad movie, written and shot badly, and so rushed through post

Normally I am at the head of the damn line for every hate-read, but these books were so boring that I couldn't get past the first few chapters :( Twilight bored me in the same way, but after a few attempts I was able to latch on to the humor of what glittering peerless adonis snowflakes the vampires were.