
He does support Cosby — he has very publicly and vocally defended him, and attacked the women.

KKP is a very intelligent, very well educated, and very accomplished young woman, way too good for Trump/

Donald Trump has repeatedly defended Cosby against the rape accusations, because he sucks!

I thought this too, especially since this has happened before.

They were trying to get away with it. I side 100% with the flight attendant on this one.

They have, and side with the flight attendant.

This is the best and funniest thing I have read in months. I am in love with this Jez post. Nay, in lust and love. Wrapped in organic lettuce and confetti with lemon zest grown in a virgin's garden type of love and lust.

She had no problem wearing her bikini uniform to work. She did have a problem with wearing it in front of film crews and being filmed for a national TV show in it, neither or which are part of her job. I don't blame her.

You should join my Facebook Outlander group, Kelly. We are already fans of your snarky recaps.

Conservative Family Values: always blame the woman.

The best ratings and responses for this show have been when they've showcased nice owners/executives who care about the brand AND employees, like the Cinnabon's, Popeye's, and David Angelo (sec — wedding gowns) shows.

I watched this last night, and he's even worse than the Tilted Kilt and Twin Peaks CEOs were, and they were pretty disgusting.

Gosh, I didn't know Rand Paul posted on Jez!

Unlike you, I don't expect someone to strip themselves of possessions and pride before my tax money goes to their SNAP or WIC. They can keep their damned car.

I was RIFed a few years ago due to state budget issues, and stayed unemployed for 15 month, and yes, it very much was, "this interview is the one."

The air quotes around poverty ticked me off.

OMG for real?! Who was that? That is just crazy. Even my cat didn't lose any followers.

How many rape apologist replies are you going to post in this thread? Enough. Go over to Yahoo comments where you can make believe you're a voice of reason.

She also sided with Michael Vick ie torturing dogs was part of his "culture," so it was okay.

The be honest, most "plantation manors" were just farmhouses. Very few were these huge majestic things, and those were mainly in the low country and along the rice coast.