
I hate hot dogs and this freaks me out in several different ways.

I think that's what Skyline tastes like tbh.

One evil part of me hopes the answer is a resounding YES!

You forgot non flatscreen TV hanging from the ceiling. The whole thing is like an episode of "Law & Order."

I agree with you. I've eaten it too, and I've eaten lots of good chili. The Venn diagram wouldn't overlap.

The girls aren't wearing anything that looks remotely like clubwear.

Exactly, that's what she's saying, and she's right.

Just what poor Jana needs, a closet case for a husband.

This actually isn't true. Spelman is like the Harvard (or Radcliffe) of HBCs. Many HBCs are doing very well, both in endowments and reps, including Spelman and Howard. Many are also setting the bar too low for their students, but Spelman sure isn't one of them.

He also raped one of their employees, and stood by him instead of her. They suck, and need to 86 their association with him, as does Spelman. Let him come after them for the donation monies.

1. she didn'r defend a rapist, she was an attorney legally required to act as a public defender. If she refused, or had done less than her best, that would have been unethical.

Hmmm... I never knew Hillary drugged and raped young women. Interesting the real faux facts U learn from rape apologists.

So I guess he only raped the back women who have come forward, right?


I haven't cared for Amber Heard since "Friday Night Lights," and her faux lesbianism cemented that (and yes, she did ID as gay in at least one interview, and that "Chic Lesbianism" stuff annoys me).

She did. I never believed it, because she seemed more like an equal-opportunity opportunist. I would have if she had IDed as bi.

This is the most ridiculous non-MRA post I have ever read on Jezebel, which is saying a lot.

Oh, I bet there are A LOT, and most of them are afraid to say anything because they know they will be blacklisted.

That's what he gets for being a SJW beta male and white knighting his girlfriend. (did i hit all the bingo squares?)

That cat's death glare almost scared my cat, and my cat is an evil genius who asked for a drone for Christmas.