@RodofGod: This never gets old. Great 'shop.
@RodofGod: This never gets old. Great 'shop.
@vinod1978: But not because it's not porous.
@vinod1978: Yes man, that's why I'm so eager to correct you. The insulation amount has nothing to do with porosity. The best known heat insulator is aerogel, which is a porous solid.
@vinod1978: If this was true, if you covered your house in plastic it should freeze, since the heat from outside wouldn't be able to "come in".
@vinod1978: This is not how heat works.
@randlsa: This is where it comes from.
A Pepsi truck turning into a Coke truck? There's a 50% chance of the opposite, a Coke truck turning into a Pepsi truck. Gizmodo editors are such Pepsi fanboys... Totally biased!
I can't think of a more apropriate soundtrack than psychotic moaning robot. I laughed so hard I woke my household.
@VoltCruelerz: Water inside the cells cannot be easily replaced.
@Brad Roth: Beat me to it.
@andrelix: It's a lens + software, so you pretty much can use any camera you want if the lens has a mount for it. Forget about in-camera image review, though.
@Jesse Scroggins: There.
@Dave J.: Well, this is what happens.
@darkstar516: Clearly you have a life, sir. Most of us live off cheese puffs/frozen pizza, thus it's always relevant.
@Caturday Yet?: Disney monorail ftw!
I can only begin to guess at the amount of static electricity generated by this... Wouldn't touch the car before it was grounded, no sir.
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Remarkable how he can get here so fast just by someone saying his name 3 times.
@SFHandyman: Powers of Ten is awesome, I remember seeing it as a kid. This one... not so much.
I love this kind of videos, but this one... How did people stay awake in the 70s? I fell asleep twice watching this thing.
@travisco_nabisco: The timer doesn't run when the power is off.