
Hank's Look Around Cafe, where you - and your food - go on an adventure.

Next time: Todd VanDerWerff presents 10 episodes that could lead Community toward six seasons and a movie.

Such it, Trebek. Such it long, and such it hard.

Dream Ghostbusters cast or Stefon describing a club? You decide.

Edward Penishands would be more appropriate, I think.

Oh, I'm the-

Exactly! 42 was pretty much a hagiography. They should take a lesson from Invictus, which subverted the problem nicely - one tiny scene in which they flat-out say that "he is not a saint, he is a man like everybody else", and then they were free to (rightfully) glorify him.

Just so you know, those two lines fit perfectly into the chorus of Donna Summer's "Hot Stuff".

I heard it for the first time a few days ago, and was surprised at how… pleasant it was. Part of that may have been the slight Steely Dan vibe I got from the chorus.

If that's the way they treat their copy editors, then they don't deserve to have any.

Thanks, Oberstma!

Is it just me, or has the video for "Retreat!" been animated by Rick Tulka (of MAD Magazine fame)? Looks almost exactly like his style.

I'm holding out for a weekly cricket column. I need a place to vent about England's ongoing pathetic capitulation to the goddamn Australians.

Yes, I suppose.

Agree. He's "Slow Ride" by Foghat, if anything.

Pssh. Still counts. Girl's gotta eat.

Nevertheless, "Martha Stewart's Topless Christmas" was the hottest thing on TV until Game of Thrones came along.

Dunno about those countries, but it was HUGE in India. For a while, inboxes across the country were flooded with "HI LUV I WNT 2 MAK FRAANDSHIP WIT U"-type messages. Not so much nowadays.

"I'll Keshia Knight-Pull all your hair out and make a sandwich of THAT.