
he should file assault charges on that bitch

Is racist just something you call people you dont agree with?

Im a republican, Pro Trump.

im sure you which makes you even weirder for being on this site and trying to impress the brotha’s

first of all he was chuckling about shooting ILLEGAL immigrants. they are not normal good immigrants.

what the fuck is wrong with black people and how they act with cops. get loud, aggressive and screamin “IDINDUFUFFIN”. you wonder why you get shot by cops. Give this cop a stand O on a job well done.

Mexicans hate black people. They aren’t your ally.

shes white though, shes not a person of color.

ya a bunch of idiots with no skills who cant speak English would be awesome additions to this land.

Fuck you . God bless Trump another 4 years.

He’s bad because he doesn’t welcome some scumbags from sneaking in south of the border? Get a grip 

She was prolly the conductor set it to auto drive she’s a typyical dindu nuffin

But maybe she wasn’t on break and was just stuffing her face. Maybe this wasn’t her for rodeo Na mean?

But she’s black so OFCOURSE she’s a victim

Are you Rustin cole ???

again, the left really really wants you to believe they give a shit about these illegals. They dont. They would however like them to vote democratic.

serbs and muslim bosnians lived peacefully for many years but there was ALWAYS distrust among serbs towards muslims. Old Serbian saying “how can you trust anyone who betrays their faith” (Bosnians decendents were actually orthodox but converted to Islam for money and titleship from the Turkish ottomans)

wow what a dick move by nurkic, btw his great great great great great great great grandfather sold his soul to Islam because an Ottoman gave him some land and $$

“If you ask me this is all about politics,” Gonzalez told the Times. “The Democrats want illegal immigration because that means more votes for them.”

while pretending to give a shit about others is the core value of the left.