SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

Collectively, they’re a problem.”

32 Senators are over 70. 7 are over 80. 

I helped build an Escalade for a customer that made over 600 to the tire.

It’s unsettling having something that big, move that quickly.

If you’re paying $150k for this, even a few grand in fees isn’t going to make you blink. Financial barriers only for poor people. Just like crimes that only come with a fine, it’s

For 1. - It may not be fun in the same way as a light sports car, but there is something fun about smashing the gas on a big-ass SUV with a ton of power. It’s silly, but it’s fun for your average driver.

It’s actually 65 now

WASHINGTON—Defending her performance against recent reports of cognitive decline, senior United States senator Dianne Feinstein argued Friday that she was still perfectly mentally fit to continue captaining the submarine. “If my fish colleagues have any doubts about my ability to damn the torpedoes or up the

Even the regionals pay decently today. The Cogan Air crash in Buffalo shined a lot of light on some very bad practices.

The retirement age for airline pilots is 65 years old now.  Rumor has it, it may increase to 67 but we’ll see.

You are misinformed. Mandatory retirement is at 65. Also, regional airline pilots are getting hired as young as 21, some major airline pilots are hired at 25. 

But you’re buying a compact EV for the same price as a gas midsize SUV.

The competition is really coming to a boil as everyone scrambles to catch up. How long until someone poaches the steering engineers from Toyota?

Welcome aboard. Hope you can right this ship. There has been a lot of moving of the deck chairs of late, but nobody sees the iceberg. I have been an avid reader for eight-ish years. I enjoy the comments as much as the content, sometimes more. Unfortunately, I am barred from participating, presumably due to my comment

“It’s been a great 2 weeks, but I’ve taken a new role as CEO of zombie Drivetribe.”

Saw the headline, assumed you were leaving.

Did you seriously just claim that Elon Musk not only invented electric cars, but did it entirely by himself? Wow, he really has convinced his cult that he’s the real life Tony Stark.

The fact that the OP has to parse the dynamic to "WHITE working class" says it all. 

So that translates, in your contorted world, to “it makes sense that the Taliban can run a Twitter account but the former President can not”? GTFO.

NASCAR did see a significant decline in viewership after the early 2000s”

Great article! Just one small typo -