SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

Busso Miata swap.... why hasn’t this happened already? 

Mine was a 1986, so they have had the issue a lot longer than people realize. It almost killed my brother and I the first time it happened since we were on a windy road next to a cliff and had no clue what was going on or how to stop it. I ended up turning the key to turn the whole car off, while going 60+. Then went

I had a Tercel that I purchased for $400... can confirm.

But, how could the world’s slowest car “go slower”?

I just hope those 8 miles were from 32 trips down the strip and back.

I’ve heard they already have incentives on them. They’re putting like $1,000 on the duvet. 

Mmmmmm, that. Volvo has the best looking interiors out of any of the new cars I’ve driven, hands down.

I think Torch is in the wrong; he really shouldn’t rag on these guys.

He tried to block the path of the cow at 50mph?  Story does not compute, wasn’t he going along at 5mph?

Driven monthly.  Period.

Oh yeah, it was meant as sarcasm. The “if it saves one life” logic is absurd. There are a million better ways to save one life. Hell, there are better ways to prevent DUIs per dollar spent than a checkpoint.

If taking away all cars gives you the chance to save 1 life, that’s ok by me.

That’s like saying that shooting every bear has the chance of saving at least 1 life that could be lost.

Those numbers seem impressive until you realize they don’t differentiate between 0.06 and impaired or 0.09 and not impaired at all. Like photo radar, this is about revenue not traffic safety.

That’s Bradley’s preferred doggin' park. 

PS: Love the cabin.

You know, my friend Bob Sacamano sells counterfeit Porsches in Battery Park.  So real you can’t tell the difference!

This needs a NSFDT tag. (Not safe for David Tracy).

I thought that was Orlove

Ohh mannnnnn...I’m always a sucker for cars that are known to exist with a manual option but are rarely seen. This thing is right up the middle... but an Audi with almost 200K for almost 20 large? Not a fucking chance. It's a rare crack pipe, but it's a crack pipe nonetheless.