SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

Stanford’s got a cool project to distribute hydrogen via the natural gas pipeline network...

Even Musk admitted they can’t figure out how to get materials to build 5 million battery packs a year— much less 50 million.

The Stans hate it but Toyota’s on a clear path to price parity with BEVs by 2025... the progress on Fuel Cells and hydrogen production is coming orders of magnitude faster than the “4% per year” the lithium ion crowd’s getting in batteries.

Cobalt and nickel subsidies?

For anybody following the battery math? No. It’s a terrible idea.

You do realize that a large chunk of this is ‘military’, which there’s no way in hell today’s (or any future lithium-ion based) battery solutions can hit the mission profiles on, right?

For most companies in the S&P, merely “hitting” your numbers is pretty ordinary. A Slight Miss wouldn’t even merit attention.

For most companies in the S&P, merely “hitting” your numbers is pretty ordinary. A Slight Miss wouldn’t even merit attention.

And, the detail that the GM Press Office literature clearly uses a ZERO in that nomenclature— because it derives back to an RPO code from 1963.

XTwagon must be Boeing’s PR department. Boeing (not “untrained pilots”) is absolutely at fault here.

The airlines put economic incentives to reduce training (rumors had it to be $1M per plane in the SWA purchase contract), so they bear some culpability.

2nd one was completely pilot error

The core issue is actually the huge nacelles-- in pitch up attitudes they create a ton of unwanted lift forward of Center of Gravity.  This is a very, very bad trait.  A really bad trait.  More pitch up creates more lift, which creates more pitch up.  It’s absolutely dynamically unstable.

That’s the point— it couldn’t make it past “certification” without MCAS.

No.  NO it does not.

I actually saw three Teslas, all occupied, at the local supercharger next to I-10 the other day... Still there 90 minutes later when I had finished the errands and was headed back out to the ranch.

And, yet, we all see the huddled masses of EV owners sitting in their cars for hours at the “Super”... Charger.

What is the target use for this bike?

Also?  Global sales total...

Yeah I always hear ‘HOW FAST’ the tech is getting better, but it’s always about how lame the batteries are at the end of the day.