Funny when they wanted him to tinker with the Coke machine I'm thinking Don's running through his head how much better Pepsi tastes and is considering heading out to Purchase NY to pitch Pepsico on his "Take the Pepsi Challenge" campaign…
Funny when they wanted him to tinker with the Coke machine I'm thinking Don's running through his head how much better Pepsi tastes and is considering heading out to Purchase NY to pitch Pepsico on his "Take the Pepsi Challenge" campaign…
that's my bet…. "Just when I was out, they keep calling me back in".
My money's on the front desk clerk at the motel. "Don's deft hands slipped over her Olivetti… "
If they made Better Call Saul anything can happen…
Yeah, there's a sense that the legacy of the show isn't the adults' behavior but about the effects on the kids. "The Sixties" as seen through Sally's now-adult eyes-and-perceptions would be pretty interesting.
Somebody's gotta be working on the Meme Mash-Up… Don and Henry re-cast as the gay couple of Modern Family.
And, when did she meet Don Draper?
Mrs. Robinson…
Def time jump. And, unfinished business with Roger.
He's not on screen much due to his commitments in the Tardis?
As far as we know she never had sex with Don, so she's good.
The rest of the 212 area code? Not so much.
Yep. And where the highway patrolman kept citing her…
Milwaukee by way of Oxnard.
Except for the barren mountains in the background— I think they CGI'd out some terrain last week.
And, I think the "Sydney Airport" scenes with Hurley were all shot at spare gates at HNL.
Yeah, I swear even last week they snuck in a little CGI work on MadMen— that filming location, shot the direction they did to make it look like "upper midwest rural", would have meant eliminating some of the huge pallet factory out off Lewis (5th)— I think they CGI'd it out in post-production, making it look more like…
Bingo! Thanks. Yep what passes for "Milwaukee soybean fields"…
I'd forgotten that. Ironic indeed!
I'd been thinking Pleasant Valley Road, parallel to Lewis, but Gloria separately confirmed it to be Gonzalez (edit). That's likely correct, since Gonzalez sees a lot less traffic than PV. Depending on when they filmed, there's some commuter traffic of Oxnard folks cutting cross-country to pick up 101 at the bottom…
Yep, all true. One of the delights of "Psych" (filmed in White Rock BC) was the clever tongue-in-cheek about how it rains so much in Santa Barbara…