
All great stories, but that first one can’t be beat. LumiNinja:

Yes, thank you! Its really telling how so many white people are up in arms about Atticus not being a saint of anti-racism. Guess what, defending an innocent black man from a lynch mob is not the most radical anti-racist action. I’m really looking forward to seeing Atticus come crashing down to earth in Scout’s adult

Congrats - you just used the power of the Internet to change someone’s mind. Not buying.

Pee story here:

I was travelling through South Korea with my host mom and we were on a very, very crowded train. All the seats were taken up and everyone was brushing shoulders standing in front of the seated people. My host mom and I were standing in front of an older man and beside us was a mother and her son, maybe

I understand the whole “times have changed” bit and that’s why I didn’t call him out. But I find it amusing (and maybe a little sad) that he is still so clueless about today’s understanding of date rape and consent and whatnot that he thought it was a hilarious story about how his friend sandbagged him and stole his

I’d be willing to bet that this family is from mainland China, but not Beijing. This sort of thing isn’t exactly acceptible over there, but it’s not exactly uncommon, either. I’m not sure why; I suspect there are combination of factors (dirtier public restrooms, crowded public restrooms, disposable diapers not being

Atilla = best name for a super ever.

Yep. I’ve been in China for 4 years, and I’m still not used to that. FWIW, it’s not just the kids. Grown men will stop and pee anywhere. Even some of the women do it. The best I remember was seeing a group of men peeing on the exterior wall of... the public bathroom. *headdesk*.

ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE IS A BATHROOM AROUND. Like in a mall. Or a restaurant. Wouldn’t you rather let your kid take a dump in peace rather than suspending him over a garbage can while he tries to shit through the slit you cut in his snowpants?

I lived with my grandparents and great-grandma by the time I was of dating age. My grandma always told me to call her if I needed to be picked up for any reason. I did have to call her once, and boy was that guy sorry.

This is from The Philadelphia Story (1940) after Katherine Hepburn's character finds out that she didn't in fact sleep with Jimmy Stewart's the night before. He says: “You were extremely attractive, and as for distant and forbidding, on the contrary. But you also were a little the worse - or the better - for wine, and

I thought the same thing. I had a, ‘thank God,’ thought and world is shit.

I’m kinda surprised that by now more people aren’t aware of the no-diaper thing the older Chinese generation subscribed to.

You know, I’m sure someone will say something about intolerance of other people’s cultures, and I get that argument, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Public waste disposal is my ironclad line in the sand.

That’s not terribly surprising. Sad, but not surprising.

I would bet 100% that those were Chinese tourists. At risk of offending people, I will caveat it with ‘in my experience’, but in trips to Asia I’ve seen kids younger than 5 peeing in public multiple times and they’ve always been Chinese. One even had pant that had a slide entirely between the legs (as in, 180 degree

Saw this happen in an elevator, minus the cup. Elevator opened on the ground floor to the super standing in front, before the kid had finished. The super, named Atilla, was a very scary European man, built like Mr Clean with the haircut to match. Through some quirk of fate, he was carrying a mop and bucket at the time.

Man, you haven’t lived until you’ve lived in China and seen cute babies taking monster dumps into garbage cans at the mall. That peeing story didn’t even make me bat an eyelash.

I was trying to explain to my English husband about what Friendly’s was- basically a place with rocking grilled cheese sandwiches and ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU COULD EVER WANT in a variety of forms. LOVE Friendly’s.