
Kara, I know you're just being funny and not totally serious and using Tay Tay as a way to highlight something that's been talked about around here for awhile, White people with zero Black friends. I love you and this is just a little constructive criticism: Don't. Do. This. Again.

ikr the bulb would glow brighter after he smiled at it

Srsly. Also Harry flirts with everyone who is near him. He could charm a lamp-post.

I had a crush on adult Simba. They didn't even stand up in that movie!!!

You know the choices are bad when Adam Levine starts to seem like marriage material.


Man, if I were in middle school I would totally put this picture up on my bedroom wall. He looks really handsome but the fuzzyness of the jacket also makes him look very huggable.

lorde, much respect.

Whatever you think of her music, you've—or at least I've—got to give the woman props for being really, really good at what she does (singer-songwriter as entertainer). My respect for her grows by the day.

"People should not be free to do things that we believe will send them to hell!"

Does this mean she doesn't get to go to pedophile heaven?

This broke my heart. Nick, we love you, get help.

In 1976, a young Dustin Hoffman was shooting one of the biggest movies of his career - Marathon Man. (...) To put himself in the mindset of a man losing control Hoffman didn't sleep for days at a time and let his body become disheveled and unhealthy. Finally, after all this work Hoffman notices his co-star Sir

I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that

I know. WHY, TOM, WHY?

WTF... why was Tom Hardy at Robin Thicke's party?? He's going to get douchebag on him and be ruined for all the ladiezzzz!!

join the party!

I had to go Google Tom Hardy. I have never seen him in anything. He seems ... nice.

Aaaaand my panties just slid right off. Something something... laws against Tom Hardy winking.