
I have seen it and I still dont know what to think about the movie. I know its not bad, but its not as good as Lord of the Rings. The problem is that I keep comparing it to Lord of the Rings, but I compare it to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I remember when I saw Fellowship of the Ring it felt extremely long,

I think the whole thing about the name is just a distraction over the real surprise of the movie. If you dont give people even THAT, they wont get anything.

The bad guy in the brig?? Oh, god... is he going to get captured on purpose and destroy the good guy's base from the inside... AGAIN?

Exactly, so Time Lords only know their own languaje beacuse everything else is translated to them by the TARDIS.

Well, its pretty hard for a Time Lord to write a Gallifreyan rosetta stone because (thanks to the TARDIS) it translates everything into the Gallifreyan languaje... that means a Time Lord has never "seen" the roman alphabet to be able to write directly with it.

Agreed on the awful design. To me they went too much into making it look like an animal, with the head the beack the belly and the wings, even with little legs. It looks more like a ship taken from the Dinosaucers cartoon.

TIE Fighter

"dangerous frightening thing"... Thats the Mozart laugh!

They have killed off characters that were supposed to survive a while longer (two or three jedi).

There were at least 3 forzed 3D shots (shit flying to the camera) and there are no makeup gobblins... Well... Meh...

I have to say, Suckerpunch was also a porn film with action figures. The movie had a "plot" and from time to time, in a forced and surreal way, the movie cutted to a fantasy that had nothing to do with the plot and was only there to please the male audience. You can cut the plot and just watch the action scenes, or

Now playing

Agreed. This should have been in the list. Is not only a great dress, but the dress and the model walk she gives are part of the scene and plot.

There have to be LOTS of free floating objects in space, BIG ones. The thing is that to locate plaents what we do is look at the stars and wait for a planet to pass in front of it. Thats why the big ones near a star are easier to locate.

Will that make Jonesy an artificial cat?

When the best part of a trailer are the cameos...

I am the only one who noticed they have changed Yoda's model?

It already came, It was a dvd extra called Night and the Doctor, you can find them in Dailymotion if you look for a while.

To me it felt pretty forzed. And for the two companions that have lasted the most (two seasons and a half), they deserved better.

How is that confirming anything? If something its a "I would love to reprise it". Im pretty sure the main reason that saga ended was because they had bad reviews in the third one, they killed almost every character left, and Halle Berry was getting to expensive and she didnt want to be there anymore. So... what do you

Its a pity. It was one of those good movies that a sequel would have been even better.