Ricardo Landgrave

Alright, what a fucking waste. Stop it alredy with the click bait articles. Want a manual Porsche? There are plenty to be had, the GT3 included, finally. Seriously, stop the stupid whining, ya’ll talk like one can’t enjoy a freaking GT3 RS just because it’s got a PDK.

lol, it eventually became my car. I believe those are left blank because in right hand drive versions the buttons are moved from the left to the right be closer to the driver. But yeah, probably it’s the lack of the MI6 package haha

Am I the only one who a) thinks all 4 door fastbacks are copies of the CLS, not the A7 and b) this looks more like a Civic ripoff than an A7 one? I love it, tho. Just saying.

Wow, thanks for such a reply, very interesting. Can’t log in from my phone to kinja so didn’t noticed it until now. I actually was thinking of doing something like that.

What is leveraged debt? I will google but would like your explanation better. Also, what was your first car and what is your last? haha

I’m not a financial expert, but at least in Mexico, it makes sense. You can make deductible the cost of a car, as long as it’s worth less than some amount I can’t remember, but said amount is absurd. That means, you can only benefit if your car is an econobox like a base model Versa. Things like base model Jettas cost

hahaha, the Altima won a silver Mustang medal. Didn’t get gold, missed a guy.

Audi R8 Spyder is of course the right answer.

This could only be more Florida if he drove a Mustang.


But just look at the guy on the second picture. That girl looks hot, yet he’s droolling at the sight of a Giulia. We car guys/girls are hopeless haha

Well, I live in Mexico but apparently it’s very sold out here too haha

I want it haha

...because why pay to fix a check engine light when you drive a VW is buying the car back?

I thought he was a man of wealth and taste?

Wow, that’s quite something. Also, fuck miles haha

In no particular order:

This is true. I’m a Volvo guy, on my second already and the interiors are very nice places to be, one of the reasons why I buy these cars. When I sat in a GTI it always was my impression that it looks like a Jetta inside, but the feel is absolutely different. Super solid. Soft touch materials. I don’t get the hate

No, sadly. The T4's do have a whiteblock, except one less cylinder. I had an S60 and the sound was very cool.

Well, I’m just gonna show you pics of my own car.