Ricardo Landgrave

Although I rolled too much, I haven't rolled enough

I think Spec Fiesta would be better. And if only the Ford Ka was still available, that would be even better.

I wish I could have one all black

What was old? You or the car?

Damn man, that's sure was a nice car in high school, you are lucky to have had one!

I think cars made here are of very good quality, the problems start when the manufacturer goes cheap and builds the cars cutting corners to lower costs.

Speak for yourself. I do want one. It’s like the American V8 sports car of the motorcycles.

It was considered big, fat and heavy (but terrifyingly capable) in Initial D

Bullshit. Pics or didn’t happened. PICS OR DIDN’T HAPPENED!!

I Took My Imported Nissan GT-R To A Nissan Dealership For *Attention

You are aware that quite old RPGs can take down a lot of stuff, right?

This is the first thing I found. I’m on a hurry.

Have you seen their mad max armored trucks? It's scary

You talk like you are the top dog. You are getting screwed just as much as everybody else by US government, yet you choose to defend their actions.

For a moment I thought this was a Torchinsky article

Those look like Corsa headlights haha

I like them haha

Isn't Miata always the answer? Why is it not in the list?

And one was hurt badly, walking by...

I live in Mexico, so this happened here. Around 10 months ago or something like that, some kids my age came out of a law school party with some girls. They were driving a Challenger and I think they decided to race someone. They crashed, some died instantly, and some died after the freakin car exploded or something. I