His point was more realistic. We get it, its huge, but just like trucks of yesteryear, and exactly the same as the front emblem on this and the previous Raptor. I think you are drowning on a glass of water
His point was more realistic. We get it, its huge, but just like trucks of yesteryear, and exactly the same as the front emblem on this and the previous Raptor. I think you are drowning on a glass of water
I thought exactly the same. It actually fits the truck
and we will have to pay for it and 70% of the cars that are already in Forza 5 as DLC xD
very old comment, yet so amazing xD
I'll give that a look, seems very interesting
You are wrong. DRLs do good and do make cars more noticeable. The problem here is some cars have illuminated dashboards so you see better at day, but at night you think your lights are on because the dashboard is lit up. My car always has the needles on, but only the needles, at night the dashboard is black unless you…
hey! Leave illuminated door sills and night vision alone!
man, you got it wrong. It's the people obeying absurdly low speed limits the ones causing a hazard. Driving so slow that they stress other drivers out
it will come down to which chassis and suspension is better sorted out. Normally, I would put my money on the Lexus. 90 hp is just south of enough to fight 300 less pounds.
don't take it back. Guy was wrong but so was Orlove. He acted as a prick.
Sorry for my grammar mistakes, I can't edit
Honestly, reading Jalopnik, half the community is like that. Some of the writers too
tell him he can borrow it once a month (once a week if you trust him) and deal done
oh man, I want a 996 badly, I would get a Carrera 2 and add that red bar from the Carrera 4
I got the feeling that Jalopnik just discovered him xD
one of my favorites was Tyler Rogoway's story about a bomber that was put off for sale with a used car sign. It really made me laugh a lot
and space truckin
I love how that looks. There are copper chimneys in my house and they look awesome with the greenish parts
man this guy is ANNOYING!!